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Discuss the significance of this metric: o Describe the data which made this metric essential. o Why is this metric important? o How does this metric impact patient care?

Please check below as I have done the interview and provided the answers needed.

Quality Metric

Choose a quality metric which the facility where you currently work monitors. The metric may be from Joint Commission’s National Patient Safety Goals, CMS core measures, or a patient safety indicator. Complete the following: • Describe the facility. Do not use any identifying information.

  • Describe the metric.
  • Discuss the significance of this metric: o Describe the data which made this metric essential. o Why is this metric important? o How does this metric impact patient care?
  • Describe the hospital policy which aligns with your chosen metric and outlines the process to follow to ensure adherence to quality care.

Quality in Action  see the answers below.

Interview a person at your current place of employment who can discuss the quality metric, process and quality outcomes. This person maybe your nurse manager, the quality RN or person, the Director of Quality, or the Director over your division. Answer the following questions:

  • How long have they followed this quality metric? • What process do they follow to monitor compliance with the policy? • How do they measure compliance with the metric? • What data do they collect to monitor compliance?  • How does compliance or lack thereof, with this metric affect the facility’s reimbursement?   • To which agencies do they report outcomes of this metric?  • What consequences may occur for poor performance?  • What is their established goal for compliance with this metric? • For the previous two complete calendar years, how well have they achieved their goal?  • What provider specific metrics (physician, NP, PA) do they follow? Such as, do they collect length of stay data, mortality, severity of illness, 30 day 30 readmissions, etc. What is the significance/meaning of each provider specific metric?  • If applicable, how do they use this information to improve provider given care?  • Describe a time when root cause analysis was used to analyze a problem and what was the outcome?  • The personal communication should be cited at the end of each answer for each question. The format for the communication can be located on page 179, section 6.20 of your 6th edition APA manual. Do not include this in your reference list, a citation only is required according to APA 6th edition.

Discussion Answer All Questions: •

Pick one problem area with the quality process identified above and discuss how you would improve the process.  • What have you learned from the Quality in Acute Care Module which you did not know prior to completing this module? • How does the information you learned in the Quality in Acute Care Module affect the care you provide as an Adult Gerontology Nurse Practitioner?  • How will your current practice as an RN change now as a result of this learning module?

Other requirements, Grammar & APA

  • The worksheet must be written using complete sentences. • The worksheet should not be any longer than 8 pages, not including the title page and reference page. Any syntax beyond 8 pages will not be graded and the grade of the paper will be based on the first 8 pages only. • A separate reference page is required. • APA citations must be used.  • An APA running head and page numbers are required. • The worksheet must be well organized.  • Submitted on time. Late submissions may be assessed a point deduction up to and including a zero.   • Must be submitted via blackboard using safe assign. Emailed assignments will not be accepted and will receive a grade of zero.  • The use of appropriate grammar and spelling is required. The UTA writing center can assist you if you have difficulties with writing.

Additional Instructions: 

The worksheet should be completed in a question format answer. The written document (worksheet) should have a title page as the first page. A running header is required as stated above. The second page should start with the first question and then the answer below it. This should be followed by question 2 and the answer, then question 3 and the answer and so on until all of the questions are answered. A separate introduction and conclusion is not required. Your final paper should be formatted like the sample below:

 UTA Title Page (First Page)

  1. Describe the facility. (Second page) Your answer should be typed here. 2. Describe the metric.  Your answer should be typed here.  3. Discuss the significance of this metric. Your answer should be typed here.

And so on until, all questions are answered.

 Reference page (Last Page) 

  • Any worksheet which is submitted that contains a significant degree of poor grammar, syntax, or spelling which prevents the grader from grading the worksheet, will be given back to the student to rewrite. In this instance, only the first two pages will have feedback. The rewrite will be due within seven days of receiving the feedback from the faculty. An automatic 15 points will be deducted from the paper upon grading the rewrite. The highest score one may achieve on this assignment on a rewrite secondary to grammatical issues is an 85. Any rewrite not submitted on time will not be accepted and will receive a grade of zero. • Aside from the reason described above, rewrites will not be allowed. Total Points   100
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