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Historical Figures Research Paper and Group Presentations: Research your selected historical figure summarizing the significance of that person in the field of Early Childhood Education.

Assignment #2: Historical Figures Research Paper and Group Presentations ()



Description: This project is designed to help you better understand the history of Early Childhood Education. Many important historical people will be discussed in class.  Select ONE of them from the following: Johann Pestalozzi, Friedrich Froebel, Robert Owen, John Dewey, Maria Montessori, Loris Malaguzzi, and Lucy Sprague Mitchell. The person you select is to be used as the focus of your research and presentation.

Directions: Research your selected historical figure summarizing the significance of that person in the field of Early Childhood Education. Your 3-4  page paper must be written in APA format. All class members who have researched the same historical figure will meet as a group and discuss the information you have researched.

The presentation will include:

  • Historical period (time and place) in which s/he lived and the view of the child (how children learn, a children’s place, children’s roles, behavioral expectations) in this time frame (S6d)
  • Description of how his/her views of the child where different from the status quo and his/her theories concerning children and learning (S6d)
  • Detailed description of the many ways this theorist contributed to the progression of Early Childhood Education. (S6d)
  • Paper must be in APA format using at least 4 sources of information for references.
  • Individual paper must be submitted within the deadline in order to participate in the group presentation.


Value- 30 points

Grading Rubric:

Measurement Construct 0

No evidence


Does not Meet Expectations


Meets Expectations


Exceeds Expectations

Individual Paper-


Insufficient evidence to evaluate. Individual paper is less than 2 pages in length and/or does not include three sources. Individual paper is 2 pages in length or includes three sources of information. Individual paper is 3 – 4 pages in length and includes 4 sources of information.
Individual Paper-

Historical Period & View of the Child

Insufficient evidence to evaluate. Individual paper includes minimal information on the theorist and the historical period and the view of the child in this time frame. Individual paper includes adequate information on the theorist and the historical period and the view of the child in this time frame. Individual paper includes thorough information on the theorist and the historical period and the view of the child in this time frame.
Individual Paper-

Theorist’s View of the Child & Theory on Teaching & Learning

Insufficient evidence to evaluate. Individual paper includes a poor description of the theorist view of the child and his/her theory concerning children and learning. Individual paper includes a moderate description of the theorist view of the child and his/her theory concerning children and learning. Individual paper includes a thorough description of the theorist view of the child and his/her theory concerning children and learning.
Individual Paper-

Contribution to ECE

Insufficient evidence to evaluate. Individual paper includes an inadequate description of how the theorist contributed to Early Childhood Education Individual paper includes an adequate description of how the theorist contributed to Early Childhood Education Individual paper includes a thorough description of how the theorist contributed to Early Childhood Education


Insufficient evidence to evaluate. The information is not in APA Format, is disorganized or does not demonstrate correct usage of grammar, spelling, and punctuation. Information is organized in APA format, but the paragraphs are not well-constructed and demonstrate some correct usage of grammar, spelling, and punctuation. Information is organized in APA format with constructed paragraphs and subheadings and demonstrates correct usage of grammar, spelling, and punctuation.
APA Format Assignment is not written in APA format. Assignment is written with many errors in the APA format. Assignment is written with a few errors in the APA format. Assignment is written following the guidelines of APA format.
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