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Historiographical Research Paper 30% : Select one major story of the 20th century and trace its evolution, both historically and historiography, over a one-hundred-year period.

Historiographical Research Paper 30%

Select one major story of the 20th century and trace its evolution, both historically and historiographically, over a one-hundred-year period. This is a research paper, so I expect you to use outside primary and secondary sources as well as readings assigned in the class. The topic is of your choosing, but the only criteria is that it spans the entire 20th century (or at least very close to it) and be a topic that you can make a compelling argument was vitally significant in shaping the era. The paper should be 3750 words in length at a minimum, exclusive of front and back matter and notes. You must use fully scholarly apparatus using the system described in the Chicago Manual of Style or Kate L. Turabian, A Manual for Writers of Term Papers, Theses, and Dissertations. Consult Turabian for all matters of form as well. NOTE: Internet sources (web sites) should be rarely used, if ever. Exceptions are scholarly websites and documents available through the APUS Online Library (Wikipedia is not considered a valid academic source DUE FINAL DAY OF CLASS.

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