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Depending on the selected article, identify marketing elements relating to the information discussed in the article (highly recommended). By doing this, you can use the information to support your opinion. Be sure to cite to avoid plagiarism


Once students are approved to research a product, service or idea (launched in 2018), you can start conducting your research. The project includes a paper (submit via Dropbox).


Criteria Rubric:

Ensure you read the criteria/rubric as I will use this to grade your paper. Again, only retrieve articles or other documents dated in 2018. When I state, “supporting evidence”, you are to provide your opinion but support your opinion with facts, examples, or information you have read (citations).


Marketing Elements:

Marketing elements, also concepts, are discussed throughout any of the chapters. Identify the element or concept of focus. Ensure you understand that element, then discuss the relevance. For example, the marketing mix counts as 1 element or concept, unless you have enough information to on one of the mixes (i.e., Product- discuss as 1 element). Then if you do not have enough information on the others, you can combine. The choice is yours. Ensure you focus on 1 or the combination for the selected element or concept at a time. Once you have focused on 1 or the combination element or concept, move on the next element. Do not mix the talking points. Once you have discussed that element, you will not receive credit if discussed with another marketing component. You are to expand your comprehension, so avoid repeating information or discussing the same element. For instance, if you discuss product such as its features for element 1, do not repeat in element 2, etc., as you will not receive credit again.

Depending on the selected article, you may want to identify marketing elements relating to the information discussed in the article (highly recommended). By doing this, you can use the information to support your opinion. Be sure to cite to avoid plagiarism

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