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Do the entries reflect your critical thinking and learning about a concept in chapter lessons and about Interpersonal Communication?

This is your second of the two journal entries that you will submit.

This is the second of your two journal entries that you will submit.  Please use college level writing and grammar.  Use spell check before submitting your assignment. Use clear, concise language and be sure to include ALL three parts to your entry.   Pay special attention to Part 2.  In this section you will integrate Chapter concepts with the situations you have chosen. Please read the above directions very carefully.   The instructions have changed to provide more clarity for students.

Journal Entry Assignment


To increase your understanding of interpersonal communication by reflecting on your learning experience and relating the concepts and objectives that you have learned in this course as they apply to real life situations.  This assignment enables you to critically think in all areas of your life by using the skills you have acquired from this course.


You will need to write 2 different journal entries using the concepts from Chapter 1-6 and 7-12 of the text. This will be your first of two. These the instruction are  so you know what a journal entry is, what is expected and how it will be graded.

Each of the 2 entries will have three parts:

Part 1: Will be a brief description of a real life interpersonal situation  (something you observed or took part in at work, home, school, or at your service learning experience) that displays a term or concept you have chosen from the chapter assigned for the entry.  Briefly describe the people, the message, and the context.

Part II: Will be an explanation.  Explain the behavior of the people and-how and why the communication occurred as it did. You will use terms and concepts (at least 12 of them/Two Terms from each Chapter) from the chapter assigned. I need to know you can apply the conceptual knowledge you read from the book to the situation you described.  (Please provide detailed examples).

Part III: Will be an evaluation.  You need to assess whether the interpersonal communication was effective or not.  Explain why.


The Following Grading Rubric will be used to assess your Journal Entries: Each Individual Entry is worth a total of 100  Points. Two Journal entries will equal 200 Points.  Please make sure you have included at least 12 terms from your selected chapters (2 terms per chapter).  Please explain each term and provide a detailed example of how you have seen the term being used in a communication exchange.  Your paper should be 6-10 pages in length double spaced.

90-100 Points—Exceptional 

Does each entry have 3 parts?

Are your observations vivid and descriptive?

Do the entries reflect your critical thinking and learning about a concept in chapter lessons and about Interpersonal Communication?

Are the appropriate terms and concepts used from the text and lectures?

Are your journals typed using appropriate college level writing?

80-90 Points—Proficient— Observations, experiences, insights, ideas, and reflections are descriptive, analytical, thoughtful, and genuine.   Examples of all Interpersonal Communication   concepts presented in class and in the text are evidenced in some entries.

70- 80 Points—Acceptable— Most of the requirements are met. Observations, experiences, insights, ideas, and reflections are descriptive, analytical, thoughtful, and genuine.   Examples of all course concepts presented in class and in the text are evidenced in few entries.

69 and below Points—Unsatisfactory—o Observations, experiences, insights, ideas, and reflections are minimally descriptive, analytical, thoughtful, or genuine.   Examples of concepts used in class and the text are not evidenced.

0 Points—No attempt

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