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Illustrate using UK and local statistical data; marketing surveys (Eg: ONS; Interbrand) Explain why you think there is a demand or market for your service.

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Academic Year
Semester 1
Module Title
Introduction to Business
Module Code
Module code: MOD003314
Module Leader
Silvia Duedal
Business Plan
Assessment No.
Weighting (%)
100 %
Word Limit
2000 words
This excludes bibliography and other items listed in rule 6.71 of the Academic Regulations
Assessed Learning Outcomes
[1] Knowledge and Understanding Explain the different types of business structures and the benefits of each.
[2] Knowledge and Understanding Define the role that human beings play in the business environment.
[3] Knowledge and Understanding
Understand the basics of marketing and promotion and discuss the production and distribution process.
[4] Intellectual, practical, affective and transferrable skills
Apply the 4Ps of marketing to any business situation.
Submission Deadline
This assignment must be received by no later than 14:00 on Wednesday, 19 December 2018
 This assignment must be completed individually.
 You must use Harvard referencing system.
 Your work must indicate the number of words you have used. Written assignments must not exceed the specified maximum number of words. When a written assignment is marked, the excessive use of words beyond the word limit is reflected in the academic judgement of the piece of work which results in a lower mark being awarded for the piece of work (regulation 6.70).
 Assignment submissions are to be made anonymously. Do not write your name anywhere on your work. Write your student ID number at the top of every page.
 Where the assignment comprises more than one task, all tasks must be submitted in a single document.
 You must number all pages.
In order to achieve full marks, you must submit your work before the deadline. Work that is submitted late – up to five working days after the published submission deadline – will be accepted and marked. However, the element of the module’s assessment to which the work contributes will be capped with a maximum mark of 40%.
Work cannot be submitted if the period of 5 working days after the deadline has passed (unless there is an approved extension). Failure to submit within the relevant period will mean that you have failed the assessment.
Requests for short-term extensions will only be considered in the case of illness or other cause considered valid by the iCentre Adviser. Please contact iCentre@lca.anglia.ac.uk. A request must normally be received
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and agreed by the iCentre Adviser in writing at least 24 hours prior to the deadline. See rules 6.54-6.62: http://web.anglia.ac.uk/anet/academic/public/academic_regs.pdf
Mitigation: The deadline for submission of mitigation in relation to this assignment is no later than five working days after the submission date of this work. Please contact iCentre@lca.anglia.ac.uk
See rule 6.103: http://web.anglia.ac.uk/anet/academic/public/academic_regs.pdf
 You are to write a Business Plan that applies general management ideas to a specific business.
 The plan should be 2000 words
You are drafting a 2000 word Business Plan that outlines your new business venture.
Select ONE type of business you will be starting from the following list (it is recommended that you choose one that is most related to your intended course of study):
 A UK Music Festival event planning business that deals with all aspects of organising an event
 A low budget tour operator business located in London
 A small temporary service staff agency in London
 An injury lawyer business in London
 A small accountancy practice that provides financial advice
 A residential care business providing care for people with dementia
How to structure your Business Plan:
Business Plan: Part 1 [ Max 400 words] [20marks]
1. Outline your new Business Venture [5 marks]
 State the nature of the business and what product or service it provides
 State your USP and explain why your business would have a competitive edge.
1.1 Business Type [5 marks]
 Is your business a Partnership or a Company formation? Explain why you have chosen this business model
1.2 Research: [10marks]
 Research into the business service you have chosen; identify existing competitors.
 Illustrate using UK and local statistical data; marketing surveys (Eg: ONS; Interbrand) Explain why you think there is a demand or market for your service
Part 1: Assessment Criteria:
 Knowledge and Understanding: Explain the different types of business structures and the benefits of each.
 Ability to conduct valid research
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Points to Consider:
 You should use information that you have learned in your Introduction to Business classes, along with information from the core textbook and other suggested reading material.
Business Plan: Part 2 [ up to 1700 words]
Part 2.1 : Apply McCarthy’s 4Ps and any other relevant models:
 Place: Conduct a location search for your business and identify your competitors within the area.
 Products / Services: Describe in detail the product/ service that the business will offer, illustrate with examples.
 Price: Apply three Pricing strategies you have learnt, illustrate with examples.
 Promotion: What marketing strategies will you adopt. Explain why you would use social media
[40 marks]
Business Plan: Part 2.2
2.2 Employees/ staff [ you must have a minimum of 3 & maximum of 7 employees] [10 marks]
 Explain the job roles assigned to the business employees. Eg: role of the manager/s
 Explain the advantages & disadvantages of having Zero-hour contract workers and Agency staff.
2.3 Customers/ clients [10 marks]
 Identify your customer target market. Who are your customer cohorts?
Part 2 : Assessment criteria:
 Apply the 4Ps of marketing to any business situation
 Knowledge and Understanding Define the role that human beings play in the business environment.
 Knowledge and Understanding: Understand the basics of marketing and promotion and discuss the production and distribution process.
Points to Consider:
 You should use information that you have learned in your Introduction to Business classes, along with information from the core textbook and other suggested reading material.
Business Plan: Part 3 Future Plans [Max 400 words] [20marks]
3.1 Should your business be successful, explain how the business could expand in the future. Illustrate by giving examples, what strategies you would adopt to expand.
Part 3: Assessment criteria:
 Intellectual, practical, affective and transferrable skills. Apply the 4Ps of marketing to any business situation.
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Points to consider:
Additional marks awarded for presentation layout and use of relevant graphs & charts, images, data provided they help to illustrate the business plan

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