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Racial identity: What does it mean for us all?

Racial identity: What does it mean for us all?

Based on this week’s readings and the documentary: Think back to the first time you remember recognizing your own racial identity. What were the circumstances? What did you learn? Now ask the same questions of someone whose race is different from your own.  How do the two experiences compare and contrast?  How do the answers illustrate how racial identity is constructed by our society (socially constructed) and embedded in us by influential groups, politicians, police, judges, churches (religion in general), schools (education in general), television (media in general), economic institutions, our friends, and family members, and our culture (what we value and believe) and how that construction and inoculation has different meanings and consequences for different groups.

  • Your initial post must include APA source citations and a question at the end of the post directed to the class. Students will respond to your post based on your question.
  • You must include at least 3 APA in-text citations and full-text references at the end of the post. Cite from the required textbook only! Do not use dictionaries, encyclopedias, Wikipedia, etc.  
  • The post is to include 3 sociological terms (with in-text source citations) from the textbook (in bold. Your post should be supported by course materials (textbook, videos, readings, etc.).

Your assignment has been assessed using the following rubric/requirements:

Grading Rubric
Submission addresses content requirements (answered questions thoroughly using key concepts and elaborates on each question with insightful details; is sociological in all analysis.)  30%

(37 of 100pts)

Evidenced critical thinking and connection to real-world and assignment scenario applicability (was able to apply the sociological key concepts from textbook, documentary, etc to what is happening in society and make a competent sociological assessment – i.e. sociological cause and effect based on readings and observations from society).

Justified ideas and responses by using appropriate examples and references from academic and peer reviewed texts, Web sites, and other references; student incorporates personal experience (student engages additional research, data, case-studies, and personal experiences or other examples to evidence opinions and ideas; student uses in-text citations in posts and in-text citations are then presented in the reference page of the main poss and student responses; student uses textbook as a primary source, or ideas from SOCIOLOGICAL experts and literature to make the appropriate and deeper connections).


(50 of 100 points)

Responded at least two times to colleagues in the classroom — provided insightful feedback, elevated the conversation on the topic, had a mature tone, and posts were based on facts, and were rich in examples and details that helped the entire class ponder more thoughtfully on the topic. 20%

(25 of 100 points)

Adherence to assignment deadlines, length requirement, correct spelling and proper grammar, and properly formatted per APA style (student’s paper/posts reads and appears professional; similarity score is below 30%; there are little to NO errors in spelling, punctuation, and capitalization; student uses APA standards consistently such as abstract, in text citations, references, double-spacing and 10-12 font size, and student completes assignment within deadline with the 3-5 paragraph length requirement)

This week you are to read Part IV of your textbook (change from syllabus).  This collection of articles this week explores racial identity, why it’s significant and what the consequences of its existence in American society has been and continues to be. It explains how race is deeply embedded in our social structures and how that plays into how we perceive and treat race leading to generational outcomes that can harm some and benefit others.

Short instructions:

1)  Watch White Like Me: Reflections on Race from a Privileged Son


2) Read the selected textbook articles (change from syllabus)

PART IV of textbook

Why Can’t We Just Get Along? Racial Identity and Interactions

Why Are the Black Kids Sitting Together?  A Conversation with Beverly Daniel Tatum

White Like Me:  Reflections on Race from a Privileged Son

Racial Microaggressions in Everyday Life

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