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Summarize Putnam and Campbell’s key points. How would you describe this aspect of the reading to a friend? (i.e., what did Putnam and Campbell say?)


Reading Assignment 7

Putnam, Robert D. and David E. Campbell. 2010. “Religious Polarization and Pluralism in America.” pp.1-32 in American Grace: How Religion Divides and Unites Us.

  1. Putnam and Campbell discuss several topics in the introduction to their book. Pick ONE topic (you can choose anything you like as a “topic,” but if you want suggestions, I identified three main sections: a) Shifts in the American religious landscape – polarization and pluralism; b) Religious Categories; c) Religiosity).

Note: Two paragraphs total.

  1. In one paragraph – Summarize Putnam and Campbell’s key points. How would you describe this aspect of the reading to a friend? (i.e., what did Putnam and Campbell say?)
  1. In one paragraph – What do YOU think about this part of the reading? (You are free to respond however you like, but some examples of ways to respond are: Where you surprised or not? Was it interesting or not? Do you agree, disagree? What are the implications? How important, or not, is this to religion in America? How important, or not, is this to life in America?)
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