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Create an outline before beginning composition of your text. This will provide a map to follow and will help give your paper structure. Submit your outline to me before you begin writing. I will not accept papers without an outline.

Below you will find a complete description of your term paper assignment. Please read thoroughly and follow carefully.

A research paper is not a book report, editorial opinion piece or mere description but an essay that makes a proposal which it supports with sound reasoning and credible academic sources. In other words, your paper should make a proposition, explain its strengths, and demonstrate that it is supported by scholarly literature.

Your paper must be about an art form (painting, music, dance, theater, architecture, literature, etc.) belonging to a culture other than your own – with a nationality, ethnicity, and religion other than your own.

Create an outline before beginning composition of your text. This will provide a map to follow and will help give your paper structure. Submit your outline to me before you begin writing. I will not accept papers without an outline.

A first working draft of your outline along with two academic sources (books or scholarly journals) cited. The final draft will be due. The outline, paper and citations must be typed. Citations are to follow MLA form. As stated on the course syllabus, no late work will be accepted.

Your thesis statement and outline should precede the body of your text and follow your title page; title page, outline and citations are not counted among the 6 to 10 pages required for your paper.

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