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Critically evaluate the development, implementation and role of business continuity planning in the context of the new facility. This should consider the role of business impact analysis, and the implication of business continuity planning for your proposed risk management approach.

Module Learning Outcomes Assessed: 1, 2, 3, 4
Coursework Title: Strategic Risk Management
Coursework Brief: Academic Report on AECC Project

The new Aberdeen Exhibition and Conference Centre (AECC) is being constructed by Robertson Group, with a value of £250,000,000. The new AECC, which will open in September 2019, will provide four times the exhibition space as the current centre, and will increase the capacity of the arena to 12,500. Once opened, the new AECC is expected to contribute an additional 4.5 million visitors to the region, with an estimated £113,000,000 visitor spend. It will also result in the creation of 352 full-time-equivalent permanent positions by year 10 of operations.

The new AECC is located on the 130-acre former Rowett Research Institute site, adjacent to Aberdeen International Airport. The new facilities will include:

·         A performance arena (12,500 capacity)

·         A 4-star 200-bed hotel to be operated under the Hilton Hotels brand, along with two further hotels with a combined capacity of 300-beds

.Office space of 60,000 square metres

. An Energy Centre – an Anaerobic Digestion and Combined Cooling Heating and Power facility to sustainably power the new AECC and potentially the wider area

·         2500 car parking spaces, and access onto site for cars, coaches, pedestrians, cycles and public transport

·         A flexible subterranean space that can be used to accommodate large exhibitions.

·         Open space, parkland and other external spaces open to the general public.

Some of the interesting challenges of the new location include the east end of the site being located immediately below a flightpath, the site being located off a major road (the new Western Peripheral Route) and the proximity of local housing (Bucksburn).

The new facility will be run by SMG, a leading world-wide venue management company, who currently operate more than 240 entertainment, sports, conference and exhibition venues across US, Canada, Europe, South America and Asia.


The Brief

You have been employed by SMG in the role of AECC Risk Manager, and have been asked to write a report, proposing a strategic risk management approach for the new facility when it opens in September 2019.

Your report should address the following:

·         Produce a risk assessment matrix, identifying the key risks associated with operating this type of venue. From this matrix, identify and discuss the three risks you believe to be the priority for addressing, and justify your choices. Risks may include, but are not limited to, health & safety, security, environment, IT, supply chain etc.

·         A critical evaluation of the benefits and limitations of an integrated risk management approach for the organization. This should include a proposal for a suitable approach for the new facility.

·         Critically evaluate the corporate social responsibility and ethical implications of your proposed approach.

·         Critically evaluate the development, implementation and role of business continuity planning in the context of the new facility. This should consider the role of business impact analysis, and the implication of business continuity planning for your proposed risk management approach.



·         Students should not, under any circumstances, contact any of the organizations involved. 

·         All materials used must be public documents.



Coursework Aim:
To demonstrate an understanding of the challenges of risk management, in particular the integration of risk management systems. Further, to critically analyze the role of corporate social responsibility, ethics and business continuity with regards to corporate strategy.


Coursework Learning Outcomes:
1. Critically evaluate the integration of risk management systems in a strategic context.

2. Critically analyze the challenges of risk management.

3. Critically analyze the role of Corporate Social Responsibility and ethics in risk management systems.

4. Critically appraise the development, implementation and role of Business Continuity Planning with regard to corporate strategy. 

Presentation Format/Instructions: (word count/report/essay/etc)
All work should be academically underpinned and referenced appropriately.

Academic report – for the purposes of this assessment should include the following and be written in the 3rd person:

•              An Executive Summary

•              Table of Contents

•              Introduction with aim and objectives of the report

•              Critical discussion using the academic literature

•              Conclusions

•              Recommendations

•              References

•              Bibliography

•              Appendices


A cover page is required with the word count displayed. 10% over or under this limit is acceptable. Failure to keep within 10% of the designated word count will result in a penalty of a reduction of one grade. Any appendices you may attach are not included in the word count. You must include a statement on the front cover of your work that gives the word count. You must comply with staff requests to submit to Turnitin and provide a receipt where asked to do so.


 Harvard referencing should be used throughout.


Criteria for Assessment: Please also see attached grading grid
(To include how marks can be lost, e.g. word counts, timings etc

Marks can be lost for the following:

·         Failure to consider risk areas appropriate to the operation of the AECC.

·         Failure to differentiate between pure and speculative risks.

·         Poor academic practice (inadequate or insufficient citation, overuse of quotes, poor referencing)

·         Use of bullet point lists or tables to discuss benefits and limitations, without the use of supporting text. 

·         Failure to sufficiently discuss integrated risk management.

·         Providing a descriptive, rather than critical, discussion.

·         Failure to sufficiently consider corporate social responsibility, ethics, business impact analysis and business continuity.

·         Insufficient academic justification for the argument made.

·         Failure to provide appropriate and justified recommendations.

·         Repetition of academic theory/models will not attract a high grade.


Instructions for submission:
(hard copy/online/turnitin/number of copies where appropriate)


Please upload your work into the Turnitin Dropbox provided on Moodle.

We encourage you to use Turnitin for formative feedback, to this end the Turnitin dropbox is set to allow multiple submissions.

Feedback on your assessment will be available 20 working days after the submission deadline.



Word limit/presentation time limit Word count for the report is:


Academic Honesty:
It is your responsibility to ensure that your work conforms to the requirements for academic honesty.  The details below are a brief reminder of what constitutes academic dishonesty/cheating.



You may lose marks if you do not cite sources accurately. If you fail to reference sources properly, the effect is to misrepresent the amount of work done. Passing someone else’s work off as your own is plagiarism.

Plagiarism (i.e. presenting the thoughts or writings of others as your original work, without properly identifying and referencing the source), is unacceptable behaviour and will be regarded as a serious breach of Regulations by the School and the University. This includes copying part or all of a dissertation, copying from another student’s work, or the un-attributed quotation of even a single sentence written by another author. Remember you are required to sign a declaration that you have acknowledged all quotations and all sources of information.


Falsification or fabrication of data


This is another form of cheating. If there are doubts about the authenticity of your work, for example the results of a questionnaire, you may be required to provide documentary evidence as proof. Any materials which have been used in the production of your work such as completed questionnaires, letters, computer files, etc., should be retained by you (the student) as evidence until you have received your final award. Staff may wish to review and consider your data set in the light of the work submitted.




If two or more students work together, without prior approval, to produce the same piece of work, and then attempt to present this as entirely their own work, or if one student permits another to copy his/her work, it will be considered that an offence has been committed by all concerned.


Please visit the University Website for more details on Academic Regulations




A cover page is required with the word count displayed. 10% over or under this limit is acceptable. Failure to keep within 10% of the designated word count will result in a penalty of a reduction of one grade. Any appendices you may attach are not included in the word count. You must include a statement on the front cover of your work that gives the word count. You must comply with staff requests to submit to Turnitin and provide a receipt where asked to do so.

Fit to sit policy:
Please note the University operates a fit-to-sit policy.  Full details of this can be found in the Fit-to-sit learning experience tab at the top of the module page, or on the following link: https://www.rgu.ac.uk/file/fit-to-sit-policy-2016-17-pdf-445kb

Please make sure you are familiar with this policy and if, for any reason, you are unable to submit your assessment on time, you should refer to this policy and seek guidance from your Cohort Tutor.

  Weighting Grade A (Distinction)

70% +

Grade B (Very Good)

60 – 69%

Grade C (Good)

50 – 59%

Grade D (Pass)

40 – 49%

Grade E  (Marginal Fail)

35 – 39%

Grade F (Clear Fail)

34% or less

Knowledge understanding and application of relevant theories, models and concepts 30% Confidently demonstrates knowledge and understanding of an extensive range of principles, theories and models, and applies them effectively and comprehensively in a practical/professional context Demonstrates knowledge and understanding of a good range of principles, theories and models and applies them effectively in a practical/professional context Demonstrates knowledge and understanding of a reasonable range of principles, theories and models and applies them reasonably well in a practical/professional context Demonstrates knowledge and understanding of a limited range of principles, theories and models and makes some attempt to apply them  in a practical/professional context Little evidence of appropriate knowledge of principles, theories and models.  Little evidence of practical/professional application Lack of knowledge of principles, theories  and models, with no evidence of their practical/professional application
Analysis/evaluation 40% Critical thought, evaluation and/or analysis are rigorous, coherent, appropriate and in depth. Clear evidence of critical thought, evaluation and/or analysis but could be in more depth Reasonable evidence of critical thought, evaluation and /or analysis but could be in much more depth Limited attempt at critical thought, evaluation and/or analysis and very limited depth Little attempt at critical thought, evaluation and/or analysis. Superficial answer No attempt at critical thought, evaluation and/or analysis
Conclusions and Recommendations 20% Clear and sound conclusions and recommendations are derived from analysis, are  relevant to aims and objectives and reflect exceptional understanding and insight Appropriate and relevant conclusions and recommendations are derived from the analysis and are relevant   to the aims and objectives Relevant conclusions and recommendations but links to aims/objectives and/or analysis could be clearer Conclusions and recommendations of limited relevance. Links to aims/objectives and/or analysis are poor Inappropriate conclusions with limited recommendations. Poor or non-existent links to aims/objectives and/or analysis Conclusions and recommendations are irrelevant, incorrect or non-existent. Aims and objectives are not achieved
Structure and Presentation 10% Structure is logical and appropriate.  Presentation is to a highly professional standard with excellent clarity of expression and  accurate and consistent style of referencing Structure is logical and appropriate. Presentation is to a professional standard with very good clarity of expression and generally accurate and consistent style of referencing Structure is in the main logical and appropriate. Presentation is to a professional standard with reasonable clarity of expression. May have a few inconsistencies or inaccuracies in referencing Structure and presentation are acceptable but may have some weaknesses. May have problems with clarity of expression in places   Several inconsistencies or inaccuracies in referencing Structure, presentation and layout of work are weak and there may be problems with clarity of expression.   Little attempt at referencing or a number of referencing errors Poor structure, presentation and layout of work with poor clarity of expression. Little or no attempt at referencing
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