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Discuss how Marx and Engels theorize workers as the “grave diggers” of the capitalist system and define the commodity fetishism as their experience under capitalism? (60 percent; maximum 4 pages)


  • On the top right of your first page, please write your name, student number, and tutorial number. No title page please.
  • No bibliography needed. For citation, use “WN” for The Wealth of Nations and “textbook” for Marx (and Engel)’s writings, and write page numbers. (If you are reading different editions of The Wealth of Nations, not the one posted on Moodle, please provide the name of the publisher and published year).
  • 6 pages (Times New Roman 12 points; double spaced; pagination and stapled)

Answer questions directly (e.g. no general intros/openers are required). Since you have enough time, please discuss the questions in a logical manner and meet this page limit.

Academic misconduct will be treated as a serious offence. Plagiarism is the presentation of the work or ideas of others as your own, and involves not properly citing the work of others as well as having someone else write a paper for you. Academic misconduct will result in severe penalties, including a zero on the assignment in question or the entire course, as well as further sanctions from the provost such as censure, suspension, or expulsion.  This course strictly follows the Senate Policy and Guidelines on Academic Honesty. http://www.yorku.ca/secretariat/policies/document.php?document=69

Please answer both questions

  1. Adam Smith finds the origin of wealth in the division of labor by explaining its causes, development, and expansion. Explain Smith’s theory and discuss how Karl Marx would critique it. (40 percent; maximum 2 pages)
  • Quote 2 key passages from their “original texts” (1 passage for each theorist).
  1. Discuss how Marx and Engels theorize workers as the “grave diggers” of the capitalist system and define the commodity fetishism as their experience under capitalism? (60 percent; maximum 4 pages)
  • Include in your discussion the following concepts: wage labour, labour theory of value, competition, crisis, and class polarization.
  • Quote 2 key passages from their “original texts.”
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