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What ethnographic value do your selected films have?

What ethnographic value do your selected films have?

Need to look at two or more ethnographic films. Jaguar by Jean Rouch and Mirror Mirror. 2006. Dir. Zemirah Moffat. Third film is optimal.

Study Pack

* Sjöberg, Johannes. 2004. ‘Workshop on Ethnofictions’ http://www.faktafiktion.se/pdf/Workshop%20on%20Ethnofictions.pdf

Recommended Reading

Henley, Paul 2009. ‘Between Paris and the Land of Nowhere’ in The Adventure of the Real: Jean Rouch and the Craft of Ethnographic Cinema. Chicago: Chicago University Press.

Further Readings

Auge, Marc 1999. The War of Dreams: Studies in Ethnofiction.London: Pluto Press.

Feld, Stephen ed.2003. Cine-Ethnography: Jean Rouch. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.

Ferguson, James G. (2002) ‘Of Mimicry and Membership: Africans and the “New World Society”. Cultural Anthropology

Ginsburg, Faye. 1995. ‘The Parallax Effect: The Impact of Aboriginal Media on Ethnographic Film’ Visual Anthropology Review. 11(2)

Rouch, Jean 2003. The Camera and Man. In: Hockings, P., Principles ofVisual Anthropology. 3rd ed. New York: Mouton de Gruyter.

Sjöberg, Johannes. 2008. ‘Ethnofiction: drama as a creative research practice in ethnographic film’. Journal of Media Practice. 9 (3): 229-242.

______ ‘Ethnofiction and Beyond: The Legacy of Projective Improvisation in Ethnographic Filmmaking’. Also at http://antoine.chech.free.fr/textes-colloque-JR/Sjoberg.pdf

Stoller, Paul 1992. ‘Artaud, Rouch, and the Cinema of Cruelty’. Visual Anthropology Review 2.

_______1992. The Cinematic Griot: The Ethnography of Jean Rouch. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Ten Brink, Joram (ed) 2007. Building Bridges: The Cinema of Rouch. Wallflower Press.

Special issue on Jean Rouch, 1989 Visual Anthropology Review . 2 (3).

Other Films directed by Rouch include Chronique d’un Été (Chronicle of a Summer, 1961) 85 mins, Les Maîtres Fous 1955 (The Mad Monsters) 36 mins, The Human Pyramid. 1961. 90 mins.

Related Films Rouch’s Gang 1998. Dirs. Steef Meyknecht, Dirk Nijiand & Joost Verhey. 70 mins

Mirror Mirror. 2006. Dir. Zemirah Moffat.

Drama Queens. 2007. Dir. Johannes Sjöberg.

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