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Fundamentals of Sports Science: Physiology Assessment Workbook.

SES1502 – Fundamentals of Sports Science

Physiology Assessment Workbook

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This workbook should be completed following each week of teaching, and then submitted within the appropriate submission inbox prior to the deadlines:

For each assessment deadline the assessment workbook must be fully completed for each week listed. However, only one week’s work will be marked which you will not know in advance.  Therefore, if you miss out the section that is assessed you will receive a mark of 0%.

You are encouraged to use the feedback from part I to improve on the completion of part II.

Assessment Workbook

Part I

Part I

Week 1 – Lab essentials

  1. State 10 lab health and safety rules
    1. No Sitting
    2. No jewellery
    3. Carefully Listen to instructions by lecturer
    4. Emergency Exits must be clear
    5. Long hair must be tied back
    6. No Drinking
    7. Wear Appropriate Clothing ( Footwear)
  1. What are the common units for the following measurements?
Heart Rate BPM
Blood pressure mmHg
Mass KG
Height M
  1. Please provide definitions of the following
    1. Systolic blood pressure

Systolic blood pressure provides the estimate pressure against the arterial walls during ventricular systole.

  1. Diastolic blood pressure

Diastolic blood pressure indicates the peripheral resistance, which is the resistance which blood flows.

  1. Resting heart rate

RHR refers to the number of times the heart beats per minute. ( BPM)

  1. What weight (kg) would need to be added to a cycle ergometer to create a power output of 200w if the participant was cycling at 60 rpm? (please show your calculations)

200 Divided by = 3.33……………………kg


Week 2 – Homeostasis

  1. Using the results on Moodle for your practical time produce a line graph (on excel and copy and paste into here) to demonstrate the change in blood glucose as a result of consuming an 8% CHO sports drink
Overall the results were as expected however there was a nominee that made the results decrease from within our range.
  • Are these (Q1) results what you expected to see? If not, please provide a brief explanation of what you should have observed?





  1. Provide a discussion detailing how blood glucose concentrations are maintained (homeostatic control)
  1. Using the data provided on Moodle for your practical session produce a bar chart (on excel and copy and paste into here) to show the difference between heart rate in a lying and standing position.
  1. Using the data provided on Moodle for your practical session state what happens to systolic, diastolic and mean arterial pressure when the participant moves from a lying to a standing position (please state results appropriately)
Upon taking my blood pressure readings in a lying down position , my results (SUPINE) heart rate 60 (BPM) systolic BP 125 (mmHg) Diastolic 68 (mmHg).

When standing up, my blood pressure readings were recorded as 90 (BPM) systolic 140 (mmHg) and diastolic 83 (mmHg).

By looking carefully at my results it shows that systolic and diastolic pressure increase whilst standing compared to the supine position (lying).

The head is level with the heart when lying down ( Supine)  which takes less work to pump blood to the brain .

When standing up , the head is higher than the heart which means the heart has to pump more blood much harder to reach the brain . This results in a higher blood pressure .


  • Are these (Q4 and Q5) results what you expected to see? If not, please provide a brief explanation of what you should have observed?
  • Provide a physiological explanation of the results you (or should have) observed for the change in HR and BP from lying to standing using literature. Include a reference list at the end of this question (this is not included in the word count)

Part I

Week 3 – Lung Function

  1. Using the data provided on Moodle for your practical session produce an appropriate figure(s) (on excel and copy and paste into here) to show the difference between predicted and measured values of FEV0, FVC and FEV1.0/FVC




  • Provide a brief description of any differences between measured and recorded values of lung function (based on results from Q1), and reasons for this.




  • Provide a description of the process of pulmonary ventilation using appropriate references. Include a reference list at the end of this question (this is not included in the word count)



  1. Describe the process of oxygen moving from the environment to the lungs, from the lungs to the blood, and from the blood into the muscle.
In the exchange of oxygen and carbon monoxide, inhaling oxygen enters the lungs which then reaches the alveoli located in the lungs and acts as a small balloon.

The alveoli contains cell linings which contain capillaries feeding the blood with oxygen.

Oxygenated blood travels from the lungs to the pulmonary veins located on the left side of the heart pumping blood to the rest of the body .

When the blood is pumped by the aorta it travels to the muscles making it possible to exercise.

De oxygenated blood on the other hand  ( Oxygen Deficient ) located on the ride side of the heart travels through two large veins, Superior Vena Cava  and Inferior Vena Cava ,

through the pulmonary artery. Blood is then pumped through where it can pick up oxygen and finally release  carbon monoxide.





Assessment Workbook

Part II





Part II

Week 4 – Cardiovascular Response to Exercise

  1. For the Douglas bags collected at 50W, 100W and 150W calculate and using the calculations below (show all working)

50 W Bag

Step 1 – Standardising expired air collections

VE (STPD) = VE (ATPS) ………. x (273 / (273 + TºC……….))( (PB………. – PH2O……. …) / 760)

Calculate the values in the brackets and enter below

VE (STPD) = VE (ATPS) x (             ) (           )


Convert to L·min-1. (divide VE (STPD) by collection time in seconds and times by 60)

E (STPD)………….. / collection time…………..s) x 60 = …………. L·min-1

Step 2 – Calculating and

E O2 = E…………………… x (FIO2………………… – FEO2…………………….)

E O2 =………………

E CO2 = E……………….. x (FECO2…………………… – FICO2…………………………).

E CO2 =…………………………

Step 3 – Change into ml.kg.min

Divide L.min-1 by the participants body mass in kg, then multiply by 1000

(…………L.min-1 / body mass……………kg) x 1000 = ………….ml.kg.min

100 W Bag

Step 1 – Standardising expired air collections

VE (STPD) = VE (ATPS) ………. x (273 / (273 + TºC……….))( (PB………. – PH2O……. …) / 760)

Calculate the values in the brackets and enter below

VE (STPD) = VE (ATPS) x (             ) (           )


Convert to L·min-1. (divide VE (STPD) by collection time in seconds and times by 60)

E (STPD)………….. / collection time…………..s) x 60 = …………. L·min-1

Step 2 – Calculating and

E O2 = E…………………… x (FIO2………………… – FEO2…………………….)

E O2 =………………

E CO2 = E……………….. x (FECO2…………………… – FICO2…………………………).

E CO2 =…………………………

Step 3 – Change into ml.kg.min

Divide L.min-1 by the participants body mass in kg, then multiply by 1000

(…………L.min-1 / body mass……………kg) x 1000 = ………….ml.kg.min

150 W Bag

Step 1 – Standardising expired air collections

VE (STPD) = VE (ATPS) ………. x (273 / (273 + TºC……….))( (PB………. – PH2O……. …) / 760)

Calculate the values in the brackets and enter below

VE (STPD) = VE (ATPS) x (             ) (           )


Convert to L·min-1. (divide VE (STPD) by collection time in seconds and times by 60)

E (STPD)………….. / collection time…………..s) x 60 = …………. L·min-1

Step 2 – Calculating and

E O2 = E…………………… x (FIO2………………… – FEO2…………………….)

E O2 =………………

E CO2 = E……………….. x (FECO2…………………… – FICO2…………………………).

E CO2 =…………………………

Step 3 – Change into ml.kg.min

Divide L.min-1 by the participants body mass in kg, then multiply by 1000

(…………L.min-1 / body mass……………kg) x 1000 = ………….ml.kg.min

  1. Produce a line graph (on excel and copy and paste here) to demonstrate what happens to as exercise intensity increases (50W, 100W, 150W)
  1. Are these (Q2) results what you expected to see? If not, please provide a brief explanation of what you should have observed?
  1. Provide a discussion (using literature) to explain the response to increasing exercise intensity – approx. 100 – 150 words. Include a reference list at the end (this is not included in the word count.


Week 5 – Aerobic Energy System

  1. Using the data provided on Moodle for your practical session produce an appropriate figure (on excel and copy and paste into here) to show the difference between males and females predicted max.




  • Provide a brief description of any differences between males and females (based on results from Q1), and reasons for this using literature (include reference list at the end of this question).




  • Detail the process of ATP re-synthesis via the aerobic system (ensure you use appropriate terminology).



  1. Outline the different tests that can be used to measure max (using literature – include references at end of question) and in what situations they be utilised.





Part II

Week 6

Interaction of Energy Systems

  1. Using the data on Moodle for your practical session produce a bar chart (on excel and copy and paste into here) to demonstrate the rate of each energy system (ATP-PC; Glycolysis; Aerobic)
  1. Write a discussion (including references) that compares the rate and capacity of the ATP-PC system, glycolysis and the aerobic energy system. Discuss the limiting aspects of each system – approx. 150 – 200 words.  Include the reference section at the end (this is not included in word count)




  1. Discuss what types of muscle fibres are suited to each energy system, and why


Aerobic System






Week 7- practical assessment preparation

  1. Create a data recording sheet to use for your practical exam and include the filled out version in this section



Week 8 – Endocrine System



  • What role does epinephrine play during exercise?

For the following questions the journal article (Febbraio et al, 1998) on the reading list will be useful

  1. Following exercise stored muscle glycogen will be used (pre to post exercise it will decrease). Do you think this decrease will be more or less if someone has higher levels of epinephrine, and why?


  1. Following exercise lactate concentration will increase from pre-exercise levels. Do you think this increase will be more or less if someone has higher levels of epinephrine and why?


  1. Following a bout of strength training exercise what would you expect to see happen to growth hormone and testosterone? Explain what role these hormones have.


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