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How has the pattern of institutional investment changed in recent years and what are the consequences of that change for corporate governance?

  1. Introduction to Corporate Governance (Lecture 1)

1/ Explain and critically evaluate arguments about the relative advantages and disadvantages of insider and outsider systems of corporate governance.

  1. Corporate Reforms (Lecture 3)

1/ Why did interest in corporate governance grow in the UK in the 1990s?  Illustrate your answer by reference to reports and reforms that took place during that period.

  1. The Governance Role of Ownership Structures (Lecture 7)

1/ How has the pattern of institutional investment changed in recent years and what are the consequences of that change for corporate governance?

2/ What is meant by shareholder activism and what factors affect whether it is successful?

Some Possible References:

  • Cornett, M., Marcus, A., Saunders, A., and Tehranian, H. (2007): “The Impact of Institutional Ownership on Corporate Operating Performance”, Journal of Banking and Finance, Vol 31, pp 1771-1794
  • Gillan, S. L. and Starks, L. T. (2000): “Corporate governance proposals and shareholder activism: the role of institutional investors”, Journal of Financial Economics, 57, 275-305.
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