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Write an essay, or deliver a presentation, evaluating your own creative ancestry, with the intention of developing both a sense of where your practice ‘fits in’ and of how it is different.

Creative Practice In Context 1 (4,000 Word Essay)

Assignment Aim:
For this module, you will write an essay, or deliver a presentation, evaluating your own creative ancestry, with the intention of developing both a sense of where your practice ‘fits in’ and of how it is different. Your submission should evidence your awareness of, and engagement with, philosophical and theoretical issues in contemporary music as they relate to your practice. You will also research and critically discuss existing music as it relates to your own creative work.
Assignment Task:
Option 1: 4,000 word essay, plus a full bibliography and any relevant supporting appendices detailing primary research data, such as interview transcripts or quantitative data sets. (Assessed using the Critical Writing criteria below).

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