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Among the topics William Shakespeare addresses in Macbethis ambition. Write a paper in which you analyze the theme of ambition in Macbeth. What is the place of ambition in Elizabethan society? What does ambition do to the characters in Macbeth, particularly Macbeth and Lady Macbeth? What forces are presented in the play as countervailing influences to excessive ambition?

Ambition in Macbeth

TOPIC 2. Among the topics William Shakespeare addresses in Macbethis ambition. Write a paper in which you analyze the theme of ambition in Macbeth. What is the place of ambition in Elizabethan society? What does ambition do to the characters in Macbeth, particularly Macbeth and Lady Macbeth? What forces are presented in the play as countervailing influences to excessive ambition?

Select one of the topics below and write an essay of at least 2,500 words (6 to 8 pages). All papers must be typed, double-spaced, with standard margins and fonts. Staple or clip all pages, and make sure that your name and the page number appear in the upper right hand corner of every page. You are required to use at least four secondary sources for this paper. Any secondary sources should be authoritative: recognized scholars in the field, published in academic journals, by university presses or other reputable publishers. It is your responsibility to make sure that your sources are authoritative. (Wikipedia is NOT an acceptable source under any circumstances.) All sources, both primary and secondary, should be cited according to MLA form. If you are not familiar with MLA form, get a handout from the Writing Center, consult a style manual, go to the mla.org website (or any of a number of websites that have the MLA style sheet available to download or print), or consultThe MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers, which is the most comprehensive source.

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