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Analyze nature of client-worker relationship and identify potential transference and counter transference issues.


Each student is expected to write a graduate level (APA format) case presentation, which analyzes client engagement, assessment of the client system and the client-worker relationship.

The paper should draw on relevant social work literature, and wherever indicated provide an illustration of engagement, assessment and client-worker dynamics using practice examples drawn from client interactions.

1. Provide brief biopsychosocial assessment (history/current functioning)
2. Identify engagement skills (empathy/elaborating)
3. Analyze nature of client-worker relationship and identify potential transference and counter transference issues.
4. What are your thoughts about what might help you to manage your feelings/reactions as you go through your relationship with this client?

Paper should be 8-10 pages with citations. You may write the paper in first person, but please comply with all other APA rules.

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