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Demonstrate an advanced ability to integrate practice and theory, linked to key research in child and family social work.

The effects of Domestic Violence on Children: The Role of the Social Worker

This dissertation is 7500–8000 word dissertation on the effects of domestic violence on children specifically highlighting the role of the social worker, including consideration of implications for practice.
It must offer the opportunity to evidence the learning outcomes for the module, must have a strong theoretical component, and include graduate level knowledge of at least one social work theory/method/model covered on the programme and discuss its relevance to social work practice.
The final product of 7500–8000 words should comply with (a) standard University guidance on academic work, including referencing, and (b) social work programmes’ common requirement that implications for professional practice be explicitly considered.

Learning outcomes
At the end of this module, the successful student will be able to:
1. Articulate and critically appraise their knowledge of the legislative, policy, theory and practice frameworks informing work with children and families and critically apply this to practice.
2. Demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of the theoretical and research base underpinning this knowledge.
3. Demonstrate an advanced ability to integrate practice and theory, linked to key research in child and family social work.
4. Demonstrate skills in critical analysis and qualifying-level understanding of service user groups.
5. Develop professional skills in user involvement and consultation within social work practice.
6. Plan and execute a small scale dissertation, with explicit consideration of implications for practice.

The dissertation must also critique two research articles links which I shall attach of the articles i want to critique. I will also attach two examples of a good dissertation which will show how I would like the chapters to flow in my dissertation. Please use books like a childrens perspective on domestic violence by Mullender et al also try and use research in the last ten years no more from the UK, although you could use international research to justify your critique but more from the UK please. Theory which could be used Feminist theory/ attachment theory to be definitely touched on.

Link for research articles to critique
1.Stanley, N. (2011) Children Experiencing Domestic Violence: A Research Review. Dartington: Research in Practice. Available at: https://www.rip.org.uk/~ftp_user/children_experiencing_domestic_violence_a_research_review/files/assets/common/downloads/children_experiencing_domestiv_violence.pdf (Accessed: 03 November 2018

2. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0145213408001348child abuse & neglect article
however if you find better articles that would be fine as long as they are from UK and peer reviewed
Please remember the legislation.

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