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Discuss the key concepts of absence management in relation to the learning outcomes below linking your work to your formative OH report (will be attached)

Absence Management

Discuss the key concepts of absence management in relation to the learning outcomes below linking your work to your formative OH report (will be attached)
Learning outcomes:
On completion of this module, students are expected to be able to:
1. Appraise key concepts in relation to management of workplace absence
2. Evaluate the role of the Occupational Health Practitioner in absence management
3. Demonstrate knowledge & understanding of employment legislation, policies and models of human resource management theory relevant to absence management
4. Critically analyse strategies to support employer/employee attendance management
5. Appraise interventions to support the assessment of individuals with one or more long term conditions

Approximate word allocation Details of content
300 Introduction and Key Concepts of workplace absence management
650 The role of the Occupational Health practitioner in relation to absence management
650 Policy and legislation in relevant to absence management.
650 Strategies and interventions to support employer/ employee with absence management in relation to long term conditions and collaboration with multidisciplinary team.
250 Conclusion
MUST BE USED Key words: Employment law, Collaborative working, Organizational structures, Systems/policies/procedures, Work fitness/fit note, Case management, Evidence based tools, Report writing, Consent and records management, Courageous conversations, Motivational interviewing, Industrial relations, Reasonable adjustments, Rehabilitation; Work psychology, Personal Development Plan

Assignment should be presented in the following fashion:
Double line spacing
Page Numbers
References Harvard
Same style / type of font throughout the work

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