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Identify and analyze some potential strategies increasing communication and dealing with culture shock.

For people living abroad, ‘culture shock’ can act as barrier to effective communication. After critically evaluating some of the theories relating to culture shock, identify a specific context for evaluation (e.g. teachers working abroad,students studying abroad, employees working abroad, etc.). Then, based only on research evidence (i.e. not your personal experiences), identify and analyze some potential strategies increasing communication and dealing with culture shock.
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The material I sent to you includes the PPT which is about my topic, it has many relative literature which you may need for essay. Two pics which have further reading recommended by my teacher. The font requirement of essay and APA Style explanation. I started my introduction and there is the literature’s link(https://paperpile.com/shared/YCzJlc) which I used in introduction. please read topic carefully because it contains a lot details.

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