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Digital audit and develop a marketing strategy for Monster Energy Drink in UK.

Digital audit and develop a marketing strategy for Monster Energy Drink in UK.

Digital audit of Monster Energy Drink and then from this evaluation develop an appropriate digital marketing strategy (including digital marketing tactics) to secure a sustainable competitive advantage within the market that it operates.

The choice of digital marketing strategy and tactics should be fully justified and underpinned by appropriate theory and examples of industry best practise.

I should also include a detailed analysis of how the success of the digital marketing strategy will be measured in terms of digital analytics and metrics.

The study will be focus on the UK market but with a special interest in direct competition with Red Bull and try to gain a competitive advantage over that brand.

Monster and Red Bull have a product and advertising very similar to each other, the studio must create a digital strategy that manages to differentiate Monster from Red Bull.

The structure that the assignment must follow will be attached to a document.

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