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Ebola: an analysis of factors impacting disaster consequence and community resilience.

Ebola: an analysis of factors impacting disaster consequence and community resilience.

For Final Paper Assignment 5, you will submit a detailed outline of your final paper with a full, annotated bibliography. The outline should include at least three levels with in-text citations. (For an explanation of outlines, you might see, for example, this resource (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site..) The bibliography should be in APA format; the annotations should be brief (1-3 sentences) and should indicate the focus of the text and highlight the way you plan to use the text in your paper. it should have

a thesis that highlights a key insight or recommendation from completing this analysis.

a description of the community.

a description of the crisis, including the current status.

an assessment of relevant hazards and risks from an all-hazards perspective.

an assessment of public health considerations.

an assessment of community pre-disaster readiness.

an assessment of the community’s risk perception.

an analysis of factors impacting disaster consequence and community resilience.

a discussion of how the elements listed above contribute to your key insights and/or recommendations.

This is part 5 of the paper. The attachments are the other parts for you to reference on the topic.

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