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Comparing and contrasting the academic literature from around the world.

Critically examine the potential for host cities to harness the creativity of art, culture and other ‘creative’ organizations that help stimulate ‘eventfulness’ and produce public benefits. Choose a country and a city in that country with which you are familiar that you can use as an original case study to compare and contrast with the academic literature from around the world. Please make particular reference to: a) The economic, socio-cultural and political factors (both internal and external) that are relevant to the notion of eventfulness in the country you have chosen, especially in your case study city; b) Arts, culture and other ‘creative’ organizations that help stimulate eventfulness in the city you have chosen, including their interaction with the city government and other relevant public agencies; c) The degree to which you feel the city that you have chosen is truly ‘creative’; d) One or more areas that have become the focus for eventfulness in the city, e.g. the city centre, areas undergoing regeneration, areas designated as cultural, arts, entertainment and heritage quarters, highlighting challenges and opportunities that have arisen in these areas and the city as a whole. The assignment will particularly test students’ ability to:  Demonstrate an in-depth understanding of arts and culture events (to meet Module Learning Outcome 1)  Critically evaluate the role of events in a wider cultural, political and economic context (to meet Module Learning Outcome 2) 9  Critically evaluate strategic issues within events and experience management (to meet Module Learning Outcome 3)  Identify and critically analyse key trends and emerging markets in events and experience management (to meet Module Learning Outcome 4)

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