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Examine interventions, strategies, approaches and/or programs (ISAP) aimed at supporting children’s oral language or communication.

Literature Review on existing studies of IMMERSION and how it effects children’s language.

This lit review on IMMERSION should, if possible, have a focus on Indigenous language immersion.

Examine interventions, strategies, approaches and/or programs (ISAP) aimed at supporting children’s oral language or communication.

ISAP needs to focus on Indigenous language immersion programs (Mohawk, Inuit, and/or any First Nations of Canada, Native Hawaiin, Maori-New Zealand)

Locate credible sources of info regarding ISAP.

Explain ISAP.

Discuss rationale and theory informing ISAP.

Report findings of research related to the implementation or effectiveness of ISAP.

Evaluate ISAP based on information gathered.

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