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Identification and analysis of APIs in pharmaceutical formulations.

Identification and analysis of APIs in pharmaceutical formulations.

The report should be written in conventional style, i.e. Title, Summary, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusions, References. Note – please make sure you include a separate section for each of Results and Discussion.

The maximum length is 4 pages. Additional pages will incur a 5% penalty per page. Appendices are not allowed. Note that it is not necessary to include raw data. Be selective in what you include i.e. a single chromatogram is adequate and data can be summarized in tables. These do not need to fill an entire page, look at journal styles for figures and tables. If you make fonts big enough and adjust axes labels then you can often fit a graph to a single column. The report should give a brief outline of the calculations you used to arrive at your final results shown in the tables.

Award of marks for the report:

  • Title – 3%
  • Summary – 7%
  • Introduction – 10%
  • Materials and Methods – 15%
  • Results – 25%

o Make sure that you include some commentary here – don’t just present tables/graphs. It is not up to the reader to interpret these!

  • Discussion – 30%

o These will include marks for identification, accuracy and precision so your calculations must be clearly shown and have appropriate data to support your results.

  • Conclusions – 5%
  • References – 5%
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