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Seven Generations Development of Natural Gas liquids in the Montney Formation.

Seven Generations Development of Natural Gas liquids in the Montney Formation.

Title: Seven Generations Development of Natural Gas liquids in the Montney Formation.

Research paper – APA Format

Need Introduction, Section 2 and 3 completed.

  • Complete Title Page
  • Complete Table of Contents (will upload working outline for reference/with teachers suggestions)

– Abstract

  • The Introduction section written in full detail
  • section – 2.0 & 3.0). These pages must include text that contains quoted and summarized information from a credible sources.
  • In-text citations as needed
  • A partial List of References page that includes the sources documented as in-text citations in the body of the text
  • Illustrations (figures & tables) properly incorporated into the report; numbered, titled, and cited appropriately.

o Illustration commentary should include: Preview Illustration, Present Illustration, Discuss what needs to be observed, Analyze Illustration, then connect analysis to your topic

**Add or expand sub topics to your discretion**

– Will upload Memorandum of the research paper, which can incorporated or used. Will give you an idea of the topic and research paper.

– Double spaced, Size 12, Times new roman

– Appropriate headers and footers.

– Minimum 12 references (will upload some articles that I found)

– In depth analysis of the topics and how they relate to Seven Generations condensate (Natural gas liquids) development in the Montney Formation.

– Focus on how it all relates back to Seven Generations, and how it they became the leaders of condensate production in Alberta, Canada.

– Why is it significant through Albertas/Canada economical downfall. (still a high demand for condensate over heavy crude oil) discuss Why is it important.

– Elaborate on Seven Generation, their operations in the Montney formation, Their success in the oil industry which ties back to condensate from the Montney formation.

The data section of this research paper, I will be analyzing several wells to show how lateral length in horizontal fracs, wellborn spacing, and super pads are increasing Seven Gen developments, while be cost effective. (Please incorporate in introduction or subsection that you see fit.

lateral lengths, well bore spacing, and super pads. must be mentioned in the introduction and in subtopics where appropriate.

Feel free to add a subsection, go further into details where its necessary and the memorandum and the outline will give you and idea of the paper. I most likely missed some important points on the outline, please add any additional subtopics, information that you find.

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