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Using the data compiled during your take-home assignments, complete a species-specific term paper describing the conservation status of and threats to their primate species, as well as conservation action that has or is currently being taken to protect this species.

Macaque Trade.

Using the data compiled during your take-home assignments, each student will complete a species-specific term paper describing the conservation status of and threats to their primate species, as well as conservation action that has or is currently being taken to protect this species. The completed research paper is due on the day of the scheduled final exam for this class. Papers must be turned in online via TurnItIn (an online plagiarism checking site).

Papers should be a minimum of 8 pages for undergraduate students / 10 pages for graduate students (NOT including references). Please use 1” margins, 1.5 line-spacing and a standard 12 point font (Arial or Times New Roman only). You are required to use at least 20 primary resources (essentially two per assignment).

In the text, references to the literature should be cited by author’s surname followed by year of publication. If there are multiple citations, present them chronologically:

. . . analysis by Ward (2001) reveals . . .

. . . studies by Corner and Richtsmeier (2004) reveal . . .

. . . studies by Little et al. (1993) reveal . . .

. . . an earlier report (Hutchinson, 1999) . . .

. . . earlier reports (Arriaza et al., 2000; Paoli et al., 2002; Ross, 2003) . . .

The literature list at the end of the paper must follow CBE style (refer to the CBE Style Manual, 6th edition, Cambridge University Press) and be arranged alphabetically, not chronologically, by author’s or authors’ surname(s) in the following style: Author’s name (or names), year of publication, complete title, volume, and inclusive pages as follows:

Journal article

  • Trinkaus E, Churchill SE, Ruff CB. 1994. Postcranial robusticity in Homo . II: humeral bilateral asymmetry and bone plasticity. Am J Phys Anthropol 93:1–34.

When references are made to more than one paper by the same author published in the same year, they should be designated in the text as (Benefit and McCrossin, 1993a,b) and in the Literature Cited as follows:

  • Benefit BR, McCrossin ML. 1993a. New Kenyapithecus postcrania and other primate fossils from Maboko Island, Kenya [abstract]. Am J Phys Anthropol Suppl 16:55–56.
  • Benefit BR, McCrossin ML. 1993b. On the lacrimal fossa of Cercopithecinae, with special reference to cladistic analysis of Old World monkey relationships. Folia Primatol 60:133–145.

Abbreviations of journal titles should follow those used in Index Medicus, available via PubMed at http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/journals.


  • Bogin B. 2001. The growth of humanity. New York: Wiley-Liss.

Book chapter

  • Gruner O. 1993. Identification of skulls: A historical review and practical applications. In: Iscan MY, Helmer RP, editors. Forensic analysis of the skull. New York: Wiley-Liss. p 29–45.
  • Ross AR. 1994. Epidemiology of tuberculosis. In Pathogenesis, Protection and Control, Bloom BR (ed.). ASM Press: Washington, DC; 47-59.

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