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Evaluate the current DMP and conduct a comprehensive level of secondary research to gain an awareness of the possible niche markets that South end on Sea might consider featuring in their next DMP.

Evaluate the current DMP and conduct a comprehensive level of secondary research to gain an awareness of the possible niche markets that South end on Sea might consider featuring in their next DMP.

Please read all of the following information carefully before starting your work!

You’re tasked with writing an individual report which evaluates the existing destination management plan (DMP) for South end on Sea https://www.southend.gov.uk/downloads/file/5394/destination_southend and to propose a new niche market that they should focus upon in their next DMP. You should consider a market that will maximize the opportunities for investment and new business development in the destination.

In writing this assignment, you are to:

Evaluate the current DMP and conduct a comprehensive level of secondary research to gain an awareness of the possible niche markets that South end on Sea might consider featuring in their next DMP. State clearly how this research has informed the decision-making process of your choice of new niche market(s). What plans should be made to prepare for this new niche market(s)? e.g. reflect upon their wants and needs. So, for example, do they demand for more independent businesses? Might this be an opportunity for the local government to offer incentives to attract them to improve the destination? (LO3) could also consider improvements to infrastructure, events, etc.

Consider a range of different relevant stakeholders’ perspectives, before deciding upon the new niche market(s). A power-interest matrix would be a useful tool to apply here as a starting point. Consider both international and domestic level stakeholders. (LO1)

Based on your analyses, identify the new niche market(s) South end on Sea should be focusing upon in their next DMP. Give full reasoning for your decision, which should be based upon the outcomes of your rigorous analyses. State what potential value/benefits for tourism business development this new niche market could hold for South end on Sea e.g. what kind of new businesses/attractions/services might be attracted here? Think about what the wants and needs of this niche market(s) are. (LO5)Recommend the developments that could emerge in South end on Sea from focusing on this new niche market. You could refer to other destinations who have also focused upon your chosen niche market to add depth to your answer. (LO5)

Consider the methods/ approaches that should be used to market the destination to your new chosen niche market(s). What research have these decisions been based upon? E.g. secondary, primary, qualitative, quantitative, focus groups, questionnaires? Ensure that this is fully justified using good quality supporting literature. (LO3)

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