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Identify an insurance product currently underwritten, or which could be underwritten, to cover risks in an international or foreign jurisdiction (namely: Private Medical Insurance).

Advanced Insurance Claims.

Provide a brief context for an insurer in the United Arab Emirates with which you are familiar (Oman Insurance Company or ADNIC insurance Company).

For this insurer:

  • Identify an insurance product currently underwritten, or which could be underwritten, to cover risks in an international or foreign jurisdiction (namely: Private Medical Insurance).
  • Analyze how the claims handling operation is organized, or could be organized, to handle international or foreign claims for the product you have identified. Focus your analysis on the management of service providers (namely Medical facilities such as hospitals, doctors, clinics and pharmacies) and compliance with international or foreign legislation.
  • Make recommendations, based on your analysis, to improve the delivery of international or foreign claims handling.

Note to Grabmyessay: Please choose a writer who is not connected directly or remotely to any UK based institution

Note to writer:

All references must be available online for free download without special permissions or having to register using certain access.

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