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Critical Analysis on Effects of Family Separation on Child’s Physical and Mental Health in Immigrants to the USA

Critical Analysis Project: 25 pages (may be ½ page shorter or longer)
I. Title Page.
a. Title of paper; Submitted by: Your Name
II. Abstract. 250 words maximum.
a. Generally, this includes the paper’s objectives, methods, results and conclusions. Please consult either APA or AMA style guide for advice on constructing this abstract.
III. Background.
a. What public health topic are you addressing and what is the rationale
for your topic’s importance? What is known about this issue? What are the relevant
risk factors and ecological context surrounding the health issue and target population? Make the case for the important gap your critical analysis project will be filling for the field of public health.
IV. Specific Aims.
a. What is the ultimate purpose of your Critical Analysis project? How
will you fulfill this aim? Describe specifically what this critical analysis project entails and puts forth.
V. Methods.
a. What search terms and electronic databases are you using to collect
research information about this topic? What are the parameters you have set in place
to perform this review of the literature?
VI. Results.
a. What are the initial results of your literature review (# of articles included
in this analysis)? For this section, you may develop unique subheadings to organize
your critical analysis project in a manner that is best suited for your project. Subject
or topic headings will vary by project. This must be developed in a manner that
demonstrates innovative, original, and critical thinking on your part – it is not simply
a review of the literature, but generally students first summarize their literature
review findings, and then conceptualize this information into a unique contribution
to the field (i.e. a set of recommendations, guidelines, best practices; a conceptual or
theoretical framework, etc.)
VII. Discussion.
a. Describe implications of your findings for public health research and/or
practice. Include a discussion of limitations to your analysis and to the issue as a
whole (i.e. programmatic or policy limitations outside your analysis.) What have we
learned and how may this information be used to advance public health for your
particular topic?
VIII. References (not included in page limit)
IX. Relevant appendices, if applicable: Note that tables and figures may be inserted
into the text if appropriate and within the page limit – decision to include in the
appendix should be based primarily on the necessity of the reader viewing this
information in the process of reading the paper, or whether the information is “nice
to know” additional context that can be read after the main body text.

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