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Policy formation in Education and International/external influence in conflict affected context

4000 words. Second part that is done by me is a case study of El Salvador. In second part talks about emergence of conflict, USA involvement for policy formation and EDUCO(Education with Community Participation) program conducted collaborativelly by both international actors and Salvadoran government. El Salvador one of the relatively positive example of international intervention. But my perspective was critical that shows behind all peacebuilding intentions there is neoliberal economic policy reform.
Part 1-needs reviewing, political economy of peacebulding institutionalizing international influence, participatory process, conflict and reconstruction and construction of hegemony in education,aid agencies World Bank, Unesco,USAID… Again must be approached critically same as first part.
For example: Peace agreement is sometimes democratisation of political system but the other problems might not be negotiated.
International actors still had same mentality with post Cold War(USA)
Local /Indigenious culture might be distroied
With external influence privatization is encoureged (neoliberalism/economic growth) as a result in long term other problems such as inequality problem might emerged..

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