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Differentiate the impact of variability on project completion times. Argue the alternative strategies to manage the project to meet client deadlines.

As an example of what is required, read the case SATTVA eTech: Managing Uncertainties in the Project Network:
Jain, T. Hazra, J. (2017). SATTVA eTech: Managing uncertainties in the project network HBR. Product #IMB625-PDF-ENG
Develop your own case on project management issues including concerns about the project, timeline, uncertainties about meeting timelines, and consequences for a project on which you are or have been involved.
In no more than two pages, give an overview of the case including scope, cost, timeline, quality requirements, and the project management issues to be covered in more detail in subsequent sections of the paper.
Discuss, in a logical order, the following topics. (You must determine the logical order of these topics as this is part of your grade. See the grading rubric in this week’s folder.)
Judge the challenges in managing a project such as you have defined by constructing the WBS, RACI, Organizational Structure chart showing who is who, project network diagram and determining the critical path.
Differentiate the impact of variability on project completion times.
Argue the alternative strategies to manage the project to meet client deadlines.
Explain the expected time to finish the project.
Develop strategies for treating the risks.
Anticipate the consequences and recommend project management principles and tools important to improve project performance.
Write a paper addressing your developed case. Your paper should be 10-12 pages in length, not including the required title and references pages and appendices. Diagrams, charts, figures, and tables should be placed in appendices and written about in the body of the paper. For more information see “How do I do an Appendix in APA style?”
Support the paper with a minimum of three current (published in the most recent five years) scholarly sources from the CSU-Global Library. This is in addition to any course textbooks or lecture material you decide to use. Of course, you may always exceed the minimum number of sources.
Format the paper according to the CSU-Global Guide to Writing & APA.
Include an introductory section clearly stating your thesis and a mapping of what you will cover; the main body of your paper; and a conclusion. Be clear, concise, and focused. Link to the pdf…https://hbsp.harvard.edu/tu/04867f20. I’m also probe to formatting mistakes here and there.

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