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Encryption: Create a single report in Word document format. This report should be about 10 pages long, double-spaced, with citations in APA format. Page count does not include diagrams or tables.


Begin preparing your strategy by reviewing the following resources that will aid you in becoming well informed on encryption technologies for e-mail:

  • Public Key Infrastructure (PKI)
  • iOS encryption
  • Blackberry encryption

Then start developing your strategy. Define these strong encryption technologies as general principles in secure email:

Pretty Good Policy (PGP algorithm)

  • GNU Privacy Guard (GPG)
  • Public Key Infrastructure (PKI)
  • Digital signature
  • Mobile device encryption (e.g., iOS encryption and Blackberry encryption)

In your report, also consider how the use of smart card readers tied to computer systems might be beneficial in the future enhancements to system and data access protection. This may help you define long-term solutions for your leadership.

Leadership does not know the costs and technical complexity of these email encryption strategies. To further their understanding, compare the complexities of each in relation to the security benefits, and then make a recommendation and a deployment plan.

The deliverables for this project are as follows:

  1. Create a single report in Word document format. This report should be about 10 pages long, double-spaced, with citations in APA format. Page count does not include diagrams or tables. The report must cover the following:

o network security and threat table

o Common Access Card deployment strategy

o e-mail security strategy

Encryption uses cryptographic algorithms to obfuscate data. These complex algorithms transform data from human readable plaintext into encrypted cipher text. Encryption uses the principles of substitution and permutation to ensure that data is transformed in a non-deterministic manner by allowing the user to select the password or a key to encrypt a message. The recipient must know the key in order to decrypt the message, translating it back into the human readable plaintext.

There are six steps that will lead you through this project. After beginning with the workplace scenario, continue to Step 1: “IT Systems Architecture.”

The deliverables for this project are as follows:

  1. Create a single report in Word document format. This report should be about 10 pages long, double-spaced, with citations in APA format. Page count does not include diagrams or tables. The report must cover the following:

o network security and threat table

o Common Access Card deployment strategy

o e-mail security strategy

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