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In the context of the literature you have considered for the course and the seminar discussion, explain what you see as the requirements to pursue the role of academic researcher in conjunction with performance as a manager.

Management Research Perspectives.

Assignment I

As outlined in section, you need to submit a 1000 word summary which supports your assignment of your reflections about some researchable issues drawn from your experience of the manager’s role.

Assignment II

Henry Mintzberg and other writers have talked about the cluster of roles that manager performs. How does a manager add the role of academic researcher to the cluster? What differences in approach does this imply? What challenges does this present?

In the context of the literature you have considered for the course and the seminar discussion, explain what you see as the requirements to pursue the role of academic researcher in conjunction with performance as a manager.

Support your explanation by reference to the views of other writers in the literature. (2000 words)

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