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Critically evaluate my practical work on this course. Describe and analyse the relationship between my research and my practice. Critique my recent audiovisual product (from previous coursework) with close textual reference.

Critically evaluate my practical work on this course. Describe and analyse the relationship between my research and my practice. Critique my recent audiovisual product (from previous coursework) with close textual reference.

For audiovisual product (CW3 about what I have to write here) we had to chose from a few tasks. Me and my team chose: ” Technical innovation. Make a short, dramatic, audiovisual piece. Use a piece of filmmaking technology in an original way in order to enhance the audiovisual piece.”

Our film, Solace, is about a homeless man watching headless people socializing and being excited about materialistic things. We chose to not show people faces because we concentrated on their body languages.

I was thinking this essay to include for the example:
• How the movies were at the beginning and how the technical innovation changed them over the years
• Something about what is technical innovation
• What task, me and my team chose for CW3 ( Technical innovation one)
• Describe our movie, Solace
• Why we used this technical development : – to show body language
• we chose to not show faces because we filmed from a homeless man point of view
• Movies examples where you can’t see faces as well ( for the example in “Roma” at minute 14:45 when their father comes at home, for almost 5-6 minutes you can’t see his face, just the body language).
• Quotes from books (that fits with our film) and to explain them

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