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How does the code of the street organize the interactions of African-American girls in urban neighborhoods? How does the code shape the self-presentations of these girls?

Please refer to the text listed above for answers and emphasis. Questions are as follows:

1. What is “face”, avoidance process, and corrective process?
2. What is the “girl hunt”? How this is an example of impression management?
3. What is the gloried self? What are the three consequences of the gloried self?
4. Take the example of a job interview and apply Goffman’s dramaturgical approach to this social interaction. How this is an example of impression management? How is this theory of the self distinct from Mead and Cooley?
5. How are the reflected self and the looking glass avatar similar and distant from Cooley’s theory of the looking glass self? Give specific examples to illustrate the similarities and differences?
6. The article “Presentation of Virtual Self” argues individuals have more control over their online presentation of self. The documentary Generation Like argues online interactions are increasing commercialized and utilize individuals as marketers. How do you reconcile these two ideas within your own online interaction and presentation of self? Are these ideas present in your experiences?
7. What is a ritual? What are common rituals do we engage in when we are in social interaction?
8. How does the code of the street organize the interactions of African-American girls in urban neighborhoods? How does the code shape the self-presentations of these girls?
9. What happens when people challenge the prevailing interactional order of an institution? How do others respond? Provide an example from the readings.
10. What are social inequalities? How are inequalities examined from a symbolic interactionist perspective?
11. What is stigma? What are the two types of stigma? How were the strategies of managing stigma different for Middle Eastern American and mobile home park residents?
12. How was race and class inequality reflected in the workplace hierarchy at Kidworks? Who held power?How did professionalism relate to emotional labor and what were the consequences of professionalism for the racial hierarchy?
13. Describe how the social world of a mental hospital is constructed and shapes the subjective experience of the patients. Use specific examples for the Goffman reading.
14. How did the parents featured in the Martin selection manage the identity of their deceased child? What types of “face work” did they engage in?
15. What are three things you have learn about the self and society in this course (from the book) Why were these topics the most intriguing? Has this changed the way you view your identity or interactions with others? Please specifically incorporate three distinct concepts or theories.

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Customerat 08.05.2019 05:39

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Dear customer, kindly provide the book required for this order.
Writerat 08.05.2019 12:31

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Hello, just wondering, do you have access to the required text?
Customerat 08.05.2019 20:11

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Writerat 08.05.2019 21:37

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