Unit 358 – Promote active support
1.1-Compare the characteristics associated with active support and the Hotel model in
relation to an individual’s support.
Range – active support
1.1a -Active Support is a person-centred model of how to interact with individuals combined with a daily planning system that promotes participation and enhances quality of life
Range – Hotel model
1.1b -Hotel model refers to institutional style settings organised mainly around staffing needs. They are not person-centred and offer a poor quality of life to individuals. For example, where carers undertake all the domestic tasks and do not provide opportunities for individuals to participate in constructive activities.
1.2 -Identify practical changes that could be made within a service setting to:
1.2a -Promote an individual’s independence
1.2b -Support informed choices
1.2c -Improve quality of life and sense of well-being
2.3 -Evaluate different ways of positively reinforcing an individual’s participation in a range of new activities.
Range – Positively reinforcing
2.3a -Positively reinforcing refers to what an individual gains from undertaking a specific task. These can include naturally occurring rewards (e.g. drinking a cup of tea the individual has just made) or other things that the individual particularly likes (e.g. Praise and attention or a preferred activity) as an encouragement or reward for participating in a specified activity.
4.3 -Evaluate the extent to which an individual’s participation over time represents the balance of activity associated with a valued lifestyle.
4.4 -Explain the changes required to improve the quality of an individual’s participation to promote independence, informed choice and a valued life