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Provide an understanding parental substance abuse for better interventions in dealing with the effects on children.

Research Proposal Outline


  1. Parental substance abuse
  1. Prevalence of parental substance abuse in the United Sates
  2. An introduction of effects of parental substance abuse
  1. Intervention: parenting skills
  1. Improve knowledge of child development
  2. Reduce child development problems
  3. Increase skills in positive parenting
  1. Outcomes
  1. Reduce the cases of childhood abuse in New York
  2. Provide an understanding parental substance abuse for better interventions in dealing with the effects on children.
  3. Promote the well being and development of children under the care of parents with substance abuse disorders.

Literature Review

  1. Theories: theories that explain the role of substance abuse among parents and its effects on the family
  1. Family system theory
  2. Attachment theory
  1. Previous research on impacts of parental substance abuse
  1. Research that has been conducted on substance abuse and child emotional and social functioning
  2. Research that has been conducted on effects on the educational functioning and cognitive abilities
  3. Research that has been conducted on the effects of parental substance abuse on the mental wellbeing and development of children


Study design: randomized experimental design to eliminate any biases or judgments


  1. Study population: middle income earners between $40, 500-122, 000
  2. Eligibility criteria

Middle income families with between $40, 500-122, 000

Must live in New York

Families with children under 17 years old

  1. Sampling strategy: random assignment

Control group

Intervention group

  1. Recruitment strategy: information packets will be provided at public places including child care centers, public health clinics and social services agencies

Participants will be provided with $21 gift cards as incentives

  1. Measurement




  1. Data collection

Data will be collected by the facilitator at the end of the two-month research

Families that turn in the filled questionnaires will receive additional $21 gift cards

  1. Data analysis

Data from the research and questionnaires will be compared between the control group and intervention group


  1. NCBI website
  2. Drug and Alcohol Review
  3. Child welfare


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