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Briefly profile my idea and its single greatest strength and weaknesses.

Please read my attached Business Plan for Bank of America. *Carefully Note – my attached Business Plan is very confidential/very private*

In relation to my project idea (Business Plan) For Bank of America, contemplate each of the categories below for strengths and weaknesses and what opportunities and threats may occur with my new business idea. Consider the impact of ethical issues that may arise as well.

Briefly profile my idea and its single greatest strength and weakness in each of the following categories below:

  • People:Consider one of the following areas: skills, knowledge, capabilities, impact on others both inside and outside the company, or other (be specific).
  • Products and/or Services:Consider one of the following areas: distinguishing features (or lack thereof), competitive advantages/disadvantages, quality, speed of delivery, installation and/or service capabilities, or other (be specific).
  • Company:Consider one of the following areas: reputation, capacity, responsiveness, customer attitudes, or other (be specific).


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