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Given the four major trends that have influenced global marketing in the past decade,pick a company and discuss how each of these trends could have impacted the company in a positive as well as a positive way.

Given the four major trends that have influenced global marketing in the past decade, pick a company and discuss how each of these trends could have impacted the company in a positive as well as a negative way.

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Remember to always write, and save a copy of, your Discussion posts in another location (notes, MS Word, Google), so that you have a copy of your work backed up in case of accident or session time-out.

Strategizing Entry into the International Market
Assume you work for one of the following companies:

Philadelphia Soft Pretzel Factory
Rita’s Water Ice

Pick two countries to enter with your company and discuss and defend your market-entry strategy.

Using Threaded Discussions

If you’re the first to enter the Discussion, there will only be a Reply bar below the topic. Otherwise, you will see others’ posts below. Click on the wide “Reply” bar just below the topic to respond to the topic. Click on the smaller “Reply” buttons at the bottom left of other responses to reply to someone else’s response.

Remember to always write, and save a copy of, your Discussion posts in another location (notes, MS Word, Google), so that you have a copy of your work backed up in case of accident or session time-out.

Strategizing Entry into the International Market
Assume you work for one of the following companies:

Philadelphia Soft Pretzel Factory
Rita’s Water Ice

Pick two countries to enter with your company and discuss and defend your market-entry strategy.

Using Threaded Discussions

If you’re the first to enter the Discussion, there will only be a Reply bar below the topic. Otherwise, you will see others’ posts below. Click on the wide “Reply” bar just below the topic to respond to the topic. Click on the smaller “Reply” buttons at the bottom left of other responses to reply to someone else’s response.

Remember to always write, and save a copy of, your Discussion posts in another location (notes, MS Word, Google), so that you have a copy of your work backed up in case of accident or session time-out.

Strategizing Entry into the International Market
Assume you work for one of the following companies:

Philadelphia Soft Pretzel Factory
Rita’s Water Ice

Pick two countries to enter with your company and discuss and defend your market-entry strategy.

Using Threaded Discussions

If you’re the first to enter the Discussion, there will only be a Reply bar below the topic. Otherwise, you will see others’ posts below. Click on the wide “Reply” bar just below the topic to respond to the topic. Click on the smaller “Reply” buttons at the bottom left of other responses to reply to someone else’s response.

Remember to always write, and save a copy of, your Discussion posts in another location (notes, MS Word, Google), so that you have a copy of your work backed up in case of accident or session time-out.

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