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What is your single strongest argument for how this pop culture icon has influenced you?

Whether we like it or not, or whether we wish to admit it or not, each of us is influenced by the media in some way. Now that you are familiar with Dr. Taylor’s definition of pop culture, consider one pop culture icon (object or celebrity) that has profoundly contributed to your development and perception of self. In this essay, you may focus on a positive or negative influence. You may, for example, consciously consider yourself the “anti” someone. For instance, maybe you saw Britney Spears or Demi Lovato when you were younger and vowed to never look or act like they do. Why?

Your essay should contain a traditional thesis with a main point and two supporting points on which to focus the body paragraphs. Do not use or consult sources outside of this course. Use proper MLA citation if you quote or paraphrase source material within the course. Construct the thesis by answering the questions below:

What or who is your pop culture icon of choice?
What is your single strongest argument for how this pop culture icon has influenced you?
What are the two strongest supporting points for #2 above?

Questions to Consider:

What does pop culture mean to you?
How do you define the concept of culture?
How do you define the ideas of self and identity?
Who are your greatest pop culture influences?
How has pop culture contributed to your formation as an individual?

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