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Look specifically at how the disease is handled in your home country and how it may differ from what occurs in the US.

Term Paper Proposal- HIV/AIDS

May 31, 2019

HIV/AIDS is a disease that was identified more than 35 years ago. It is transmitted through sharing infected injection drug use equipment, having sexual intercourse with infected individuals, infant born to mother with HIV infection and those who are breastfed by HIV infected mothers, and those who receive infected blood and blood products. This disease has greatly affected theĀ  3rd world countries including my home country Tanzania. Growing up, I have been a care taker to a number of relatives and friends throughout the years, I knew very little about the disease and alot of things did not make sense. Through this program, I have been fortunate to learn about a number of diseases including HIV/AIDS, how it is diagnosed, treatment and prognosis which are the main components that I will be discussing on this paper. In addition, this paper will include the mortality and morbidity rates by age and sex ranges and how education and treatment outcomes has impacted the disease progression.


Feedback to Learner 6/3/19 3:37 PM

Excellent topic, I would challenge you to look specifically at how the disease is handled in your home country and how it may differ from what occurs in the US. (This was a feedback from my teacher)


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