Assign this order to a writer who is familiar with SPSS and Qualtrics. The attached W10 Discussion and Assignment instructions.docx has details of the assignment requirements. There are 2 parts of this order. The first part is the Discussion and Assignment. I have selected a journal article but feel free to use another one for this assignment. The second part is the quiz of Qualtrics and the link
Part 1 – Week 10 Discussion 01: Survey Reading Assignment
Due: Post your summary by end of Day 4, reply to at least two of your classmates’ posts by end of Day 7.
Rather than provide you with more readings this week which utilize the survey technique I want you to find your own reading that uses the survey technique. The requirements are as follows:
• It should be a journal article.
• It should be published in 2010 or more recently (so avoid articles 2009 or earlier).
• It should be published in English.
• The subject of the article can be anything of your choosing.
Write a 1.5 page (double spaced) summary and critique of the article you found. There are about 23 lines to a page so you should write 34-36 lines of text.
• At most, write 2-3 lines about the topic and the intro/lit review—just enough to familiarize someone with the context of the article.
• Write 1-2 lines about why you chose this article.
• The remainder of your summary should be on the survey questions and practical implications and (very briefly) the statistical tests used.
• If your article has more than one study (some articles cover multiple studies), write about only one of the studies.
• Make sure to include a reference at the end of the paper for the article you are summarizing. This does not count toward the 34-36 line requirement.
• Don’t list lots of specific numbers. I don’t want to read about p-values, etc.
• In respect to statistical tests, mention the main types of tests used but don’t generate a long list of all statistical tests used.
• It may be that there are statistical tests you are unfamiliar with in the article. This is not a stats course so we do not cover all statistical tests. Use the internet to familiarize yourself with tests you do not know.
• The focus of the paper, though, is more on:
1. The questions used in the survey. Were they good/bad in your opinion and, if so, why?
2. The practical implications of the study. Who are the results important to? What should change based on these results?
3. Do you trust the study findings? Why?
Make sure you post your summary on the discussion board and the Week 10 assignment page. You do not need a full reference section and need not cite to sources to support viewpoints. It is assumed all factual statements come from the article you are summarizing. In this single assignment (an exception to the general rules of the course) you do not need to cite to support viewpoints/opinions. At the very end of the paper make sure to include in Chicago style a single reference of the article you are summarizing and critiquing.
Week 10 Assignment 01: Survey Reading Assignment
Your instructor will use this page to enter your grade for the assignment component of Week 10 Discussion 01: Survey Reading Assignment.
Part 2 – Qualtrics: Writer, can you email your score to me? Otherwise, maybe you can take the quiz and let me know the correct answers and I can duplicate the answers. Please let me know your preference. You may want to use test test as your username…not sure whether it will work though. I will try to take it within 48 hours.
The estimated time for completion is 30 minutes. In order to receive credit for the quiz, email your score to your instructor. Be sure to include your full name (first and last) on the form so your instructor will know who the score belongs to.