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Explain the idea of ‘fragile cities’ and critically reflect upon how is it beginning to change the way we think of the links between globalisation, development and crime.

Explain the idea of ‘fragile cities’ and critically reflect upon how is it beginning to change the way we think of the links between globalisation, development and crime.

  • Robert Muggah (2015) How to protect fast-growing cities from failing. View at: https://youtu.be/rokPqHc9iD0.
  • Muggah, R. (2014) ‘Deconstructing the fragile city: Exploring insecurity, violence and resilience’, Environment and Urbanization, 26: 1-14.
  • Macaluso, A. and Briscoe, I. (2015) Trapped in the City: Communities, Insecurity and Urban Life in Fragile States. The Hague: Knowledge Platform on Security and Rule of Law.
  • Brown, A. and Ahmed, S. (2016) ‘Local government dissolution in Karachi: Chasm or catalyst?’, Third World Thematics: A TWQ Journal, 1: 879-97.
  • UNODC (2016) Governing Safer Cities: Strategies for a Globalised World. A Framework to Guide Urban Policy-Makers and Practitioners. Vienna: United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime.
  • (add more, from other resources)


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