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To what extent have you used academic principles and/ or real business data to support your arguments?

BPP Coursework Cover Sheet

Please use the table below as your cover sheet for the 1st page of the submission. The sheet should be before the cover/title page of your submission.

Programme BSc
Module name BSc International Business
QAA Level Level 6
Schedule Term Summer 2019
Student Reference Number (SRN)  
Report/Assignment Title  
Date of Submission

(Please attach the confirmation of any extension received)

Declaration of Original Work:

I hereby declare that I have read and understood BPP’s regulations on plagiarism and that this is my original work, researched, undertaken, completed and submitted in accordance with the requirements of BPP Business School.

The word count, excluding contents table, bibliography and appendices, is ___ words.

Student Reference Number:                                                                                                                                                                      Date:

By submitting this coursework you agree to all rules and regulations of BPP regarding assessments and awards for programmes.  Please note, submission is your declaration you are fit to sit.

BPP University reserves the right to use all submitted work for educational purposes and may request that work be published for a wider audience.

BPP School of Business and Technology



1.     General Assessment Guidance

  • Your Summative Assessment for Summer 2019 is made up of this submission which accounts for 100% of the marks
  • You are required to submit of your assessment via Turnitin online access. Only submissions made via the specified mode will be accepted and hard copies or any other digital form of submissions (like via email or pen drive etc.) will not be accepted.


  • The submission word limit is 2,500 You must comply with the word count guidelines.   You may submit fewer than 2,500 words but not more.  Word count guidelines can be found on your programme homepage and the coursework submission page.



  • Do not put your name or contact details anywhere on your submission. You should only put your student registration number (SRN) which will ensure your submission is recognised in the marking process.


  • A total of 100 marks are available for this module assessment, and you are required to achieve minimum 40% to pass this module.
  • You are required to use only Harvard Referencing System in your submission. Any content which is already published by other author(s) and is not referenced will be considered as a case of plagiarism.

You can find further information on Harvard Referencing in the online library on the VLE. You can use the following link to access this information: http://bpp.libguides.com/ld.php?content_id=30639385

  • BPP University has a strict policy regarding authenticity of assessments. In proven instances of plagiarism or collusion, severe punishment will be imposed on offenders. You are advised to read the rules and regulations regarding plagiarism and collusion in the GARs and MOPP which are available on VLE in the Academic registry section.
  • You should include a completed copy of the Assignment Cover sheet. Any submission without this completed Assignment Cover sheet may be considered invalid and not marked.

2. Assessment Brief

2.1 Assessment Summary.  (This assessment forms 100% of your final module grade)


This module is assessed through the submission of a written report aimed at assessing some key international business challenges faced by Tesla, the multinational automotive and energy company.

The specific requirements of the report will be aligned to the Learning Outcomes and to several topics covered in this module.   Please note  – the emphasis on China is for Question 1 only.

Students will produce a report, fulfilling the criteria detailed below.

2.2 Background

Tesla is an American company that regularly makes headlines around the world for a variety of reasons.  Founded in 2003 by engineers in California with the ambition of producing ‘no compromise’ electric vehicles, the company has been through various highs and lows, most of which involve the newsworthy CEO Elon Musk in some way.

Whilst gaining a reputation for innovative, high performance, prestige electric cars the company has had to endure production difficulties and constant scrutiny of their financial health.

Tesla already sells cars in over 30 countries with Europe and China becoming increasingly important.  However, market conditions are ever-changing and decisions need to be taken about international priorities to protect Tesla’s future.

You have been tasked with critically analysing the Tesla international business to gain a deeper understanding of the issues it faces now and in the future.  In particular, you are tasked with evaluating the strategic importance of China as a key market for Tesla.

In carrying out these tasks, you will need to carefully and thoroughly research and analyse certain aspects of the business.  You are expected to demonstrate your understanding of international business principles by providing insight on the Tesla business.


2.3   Questions

You have been asked specifically to address the following in your report:

1) The Market in China (Part a=20 marks, Part b=10 marks; Total = 30 marks)

a) Identify and critically analyse two internal and two external business environment factors affecting Tesla’s future in China. (20 marks; 5 marks for each factor analysed)

b) Offer a justified recommendation to deal with one of the factors identified in part (a) above.  (10 marks)

2) Tesla Supply Chain Management (Part a = 20 marks; Part b = 10 marks; Total = 30 marks)

a) Critically evaluate Tesla’s approach to global supply chain management (SCM) by examining two specific elements of the company’s  global supply chain.  (20 marks; 10 marks for each Tesla global supply chain element correctly identified and evaluated)

b) As part of your answer, please explain – with evidence – any strengths or weaknesses you identify in Tesla’s global SCM and explain how they contribute to the competitive advantage or disadvantage of the business.  (10 marks)

3) Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) (Part a=20 marks, Part b=10 marks; Total = 30 marks)

a) Choose two of the following areas of CSR, then critically evaluate Tesla’s international activities and plans in these CSR areas (within the last 2 years) and explain how effective or ineffective you think they have been.   (10 marks for each CSR area discussed and criticially evaluated).

• Ethics

• Customer care

• Resource/Energy usage

• Supplier treatment

• Communities

• Staff treatment

• Financial management

b) Discuss and explain with evidence what impact you believe the Tesla CSR policies and activities are having on two key stakeholder groups?  [5 marks for each stakeholder group discussed.

4)    Professional presentation, writing style and Harvard referencing.  (10 marks)

2.4 Research

You are expected to carry out your own extensive research on Tesla from various sources.  A case study is NOT provided.  You do not need to conduct any primary research. The sources of information you will use for your assignment will be of a “secondary” nature i.e. will be readily available from existing published sources such as the internet.  You should not make direct enquiries to Tesla, related companies or competitors.  The information you use for this assignment should come only from credible sources on the internet and published material.

2.5 Student Guidance

The assignment requires you to address key topics from the syllabus, explore the concepts and principles behind those topics and apply them to Tesla.  It will test your skills in several ways e.g.

 1) Knowledge of the syllabus.

2) Ability to apply and integrate key concepts in a practical situation.

3) Understanding of the concepts behind international business expansion and management.

2.6 Final written report Your report should be presented in a professional manner, using the correct Harvard referencing techniques and language that is appropriate for a senior level manager to read.


 3    Assessment Marking Scheme (Student Version) (Marked out of 100)

Assessment Mark Guidance

Q1)   Critical Assessment of the Chinese market


Part a)

20 Have you identified and critically analysed two internal (inside the company) and two external (outside the company) business environmental factors that affects Tesla’s future presence in China?


How well have you described these factors and explained why they are important (using evidence from business research and academic principles)?


How well have you discussed and explained the ways in which these factors could affect Tesla in China?

Part b) 10 To what extent have you offered a well-considered recommendation for Tesla to deal with one of the internal or external factors you discussed in Part a) above?


To what extent have you used business evidence or academic principle to justify your recommendations?

Q2)   Supply Chain Management  (SCM) of Tesla

Part a)

20 To what extent have you evaluated two

specific elements of the Tesla global SCM (including methods, systems, and/or processes) to identify benefits, costs, advantages/disadvantages?

Part b) 10 To what extent have you identified any strengths or weaknesses in Tesla’s global SCM and offered proof of these?


How well have you linked these evidence-based strengths or weaknesses to Tesla’s competitive advantage/disadvantage?


To what extent have you used evidence (qualitative and quantitative) to support your discussions, arguments and counter arguments?



Part a)

20 Have you chosen two areas of CSR from the list provided and critically analysed Tesla’s recent and/or current international activities and plans in these areas using evidence from research?


How thoroughly have you explained the effectiveness of these CSR activities for Tesla’s international business?

Part b) 10


To what extent have you explained the impact of Tesla’s current or recent CSR activities on the two key stakeholder groups you have chosen?


To what extent have you used academic principles and/ or real business data to support your arguments?

Presentation, structure and referencing 10 To what level and extent have you carried out good practice in Harvard Referencing, spelling and good grammar?  How well have you used visual communication tools, headings and sub-headings and professional document formatting to ensure a clear, engaging, and logical flow of information in your report?
Total 100  


Appendix A – General Grading Criteria – Level 6

Level 6 Assessment Criteria


  PASS         FAIL  
Criterion 80-100% 70-79% 60-69% 50-59% 40-49% 30-39% 0-29%
Knowledge & Understanding

a) Systematic Understanding

b) Emerging Thought

(a) Very deep knowledge of the topic, explicitly related to extremely comprehensive knowledge of the discipline(s).  Evaluation and contribution to current knowledge

(b) Excellent usage of recent emerging thought and/or practices from a range of appropriate disciplines

(a) Deep knowledge of the topic, explicitly related to comprehensive knowledge of the discipline(s).  Evaluation of current knowledge

(b) Application of recent emerging thought or practices from the discipline

(a) Very good, thorough and explicit knowledge & understanding of the topic.

An appreciation of and explicit links to a wider field.

(b) Some clear evidence of the application of thoughts and practices at the forefront of the discipline

(a) Good knowledge and understanding of central topic issues, some explicitly identified.

Some appreciation of a wider field.

(b) Clear evidence of an understanding of thoughts and practices at the forefront of the discipline.

(a) Some knowledge and understanding of central topic issues.

(b) Some evidence of the understanding of the thoughts and practices related to the discipline indicated.

(a) Inadequate, poor or very poor knowledge or understanding of central topic issues.

(b) Not clear or precise understanding of thoughts and practices related to the required discipline indicated

(a) Little or no knowledge or understanding of central topic issues.

(b) Significant gaps in the understanding of practices related to the discipline indicated


a) Analysis, Synthesis & Evaluation

b) Numerical Analysis

c) Argumentation

d) Independent Research

(a) Consistently high levels of ability to analyse critically using a wide range of appropriate criteria, sources and perspectives.  Excellent synthesis of elements of the argument including contrary views.


(b) Numeric analysis that is complete and free from errors with application of methods that may be insightful or original


(c) Extremely strong and consistent argument making a convincing whole with evidence of originality. Impressive ability in the use of information gathered to support the argument.


(d) Evidence of an innovative or original use of extensive personal research which has been thoroughly evaluated conceptually

(a) A high level of ability to analyse critically using a range of perspectives.  Excellent synthesis of elements of the argument including contrary views.


(b) Numeric analysis that is complete and mostly free from errors with fluent and appropriate application of methods.


(c) Extremely strong and consistent argument that convincingly addresses issues including uncertainties and conflicts. Excellent use of information gathered which to support and further the argument


(d) Substantial research and evidence of an innovative use of a wide range of personal research with clear and consistent evaluation conceptual

(a) Presentation of a coherent critical argument demonstrating the ability to analyse, synthesise and evaluate to form a balanced and supportable judgement.  Use of contrasting perspectives.


(b) Numeric analysis that is complete and mostly free from errors with relevant and effective application of methods.


(c) Evidence of an argument that is generally convincing with a good internal consistency and addresses most issues. Very good use of information gathered to support the argument.


(d) Clear evidence of considerable personal research and the use of a diverse range of appropriate sources but may contain problems with consistency in the conceptual evaluation

(a) The development of a critical analysis without guidance.  Some ability to synthesise concepts, theories and practice.  Application of a range of analytical methods appropriate to the task.


(b) Numeric analysis that is complete and mostly free from significant or critical errors with appropriate application of methods.


(c) Evidence of an overall convincing argument but may have weaknesses, gaps or inconsistencies.  Clear use of information gathered but may have some weaknesses in the integration into the argument.


(d) Appropriate use of a wide range of personal research which is critically evaluated for key conceptual issues although this may not be consistent throughout

(a) Evidence of some critical awareness.

There is analysis which is structured within guidelines.

Some difficulty in balancing and substantiating points made.


(b) Numeric analysis that is mostly complete but contains errors with significant effect, or methods that are applied inappropriately


(c) Evidence of a consistent argument but may have weaknesses, significant gaps or be unconvincing.  Clear use of information gathered but may not be sufficient to sustain the argument.

(d) Evidence of a consistent argument but may have weaknesses or be unconvincing.  Clear use of information gathered but may not be sufficient to sustain

(a) Work is descriptive and uncritical.

Generalisations, unsubstantiated assertions and exaggeration.


(b) Numeric analysis that is incomplete or contains errors which have critical effect, or methods that are applied inappropriately


(c) Lack of consistency or structure in the argument. Serious weaknesses in the integration of evidence and/or no awareness of the limitations or weaknesses of the research.


(d) Over reliance on very restricted range of personal or secondary research much of which may not be evaluated and may not be directly related to the question

(a) Work is wholly descriptive and uncritical.  Contains numerous generalisations, unsubstantiated assertions and exaggeration.


(b) Numeric analysis is almost non-existent and also incorrect


(c) Total lack of consistency or structure in the argument.  Nil or limited integration of evidence and no awareness of the limitations or weakness of research


(d) Generally only a very restricted range of personal research which is not  evaluated and is not directly related to the question


a) Structure

b) Referencing

c) Use of Language

(a) Excellent structure and presentation

(b) Precise, full and appropriate references and notes.

(c) Subtle use of language expressing a high degree of thought with clarity and precision to a level appropriate for submission for publication.

(a) Excellent structure and presentation

(b) Precise, full and appropriate references and notes.

(c) Precise use of language expressing complex thought with clarity, accuracy and precision which furthers and enhances the argument

(a) Good structure and presentation

(b) Full and appropriate references and notes with minor or insignificant errors

(c) Clear and precise use of language allowing a complex argument to be easily understood and followed

(a) Adequate structure and presentation

(b) Good references and notes with minor or insignificant errors or omissions

(c) Generally clear use of language sufficient for arguments to be readily understood and followed

(a) Adequate structure and presentation

(b) Competent references and notes but may contain inconsistencies, errors or omissions

(c) Generally understandable use of language but significant errors in expression affecting overall clarity

(a) Poor structure and presentation

(b) Poor references and notes with multiple inconsistencies, errors or omissions

(c) Serious errors in the use of language which makes meaning unclear or imprecise

(a) Extremely poor structure and presentation

(b) Very limited or nil referencing with numerous errors and omissions

(c) Extreme errors in use of language and an extreme lack of clarity














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