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Compare three K-12 Strategic Plans; What are the most significant elements of governance and structure that were evident in all of the plans?

Your assignment this week is to compare three K-12 Strategic Plans. The matrix is to be submitted in order to receive a grade for the comparison criterion in the grading rubric. Therefore, the comparison Matrix is to be included as an appendix. (The matrix is attached). The matrix needs to be filled out comparing the three stratetgic plans. (The three strategic plans are attached). Additionally, you are to write a synthesis (Using sources) of your matrix findings. Include the following: Please make sure to use headings. The underline words can be used as headings or to formulate headings.

1. How were the internal and external stakeholder relationships considered in the plans?
2. What are the most significant elements of governance and structure that were evident in all of the plans?
3. How do these plans support continuous school improvement and sustainable change?
4. How will the knowledge gathered in this assignment be used in your future?

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