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Explain the characteristics of ethical business culture across industry, national, international, and multicultural boundaries.

Mod. Title Date Student Learning Outcomes    
Module 1 – Module 1: The Contemporary Ethical Environment 1. Evaluate the principles of contemporary business ethics.    
8. Explain the characteristics of ethical business culture across industry, national, international, and multicultural boundaries.    
Module 2 – Module 2: Shaping Ethical Behavior 2. Advocate for ethical business behaviors.    
4. Assess the role of a leader in shaping ethical behavior within the organization.    
Module 3 – Module 3: Whistle-blowing & Defective Products 5. Appraise the level of an organization’s ethical compliance.    
6. Identify ethical dilemmas in the conduct of business activities.    
Module 4 – Module 4: Production, Manufacturing & Finance 2. Advocate for ethical business behaviors.    
3. Compare and contrast strategies for ethical decision-making.    
4. Assess the role of a leader in shaping ethical behavior within the organization.    
Module 5 – Module 5: Marketing & Advertising 5. Appraise the level of an organization’s ethical compliance.    
6. Identify ethical dilemmas in the conduct of business activities.    
Module 6 – Module 6: Organizational Responsibility: Compliance & Social Responsibility 7. Formulate organizational ethics policies, procedures and standards.    
Module 7 – Module 7: Ethics in the Public Sector 2. Advocate for ethical business behaviors.    
7. Formulate organizational ethics policies, procedures and standards.    
Module 8 – Module 8: Global Marketplace Ethics & The Future 1. Evaluate the principles of contemporary business ethics.    
2. Advocate for ethical business behaviors.    
3. Compare and contrast strategies for ethical decision-making.    
4. Assess the role of a leader in shaping ethical behavior within the organization.    
5. Appraise the level of an organization’s ethical compliance.    
6. Identify ethical dilemmas in the conduct of business activities.    
7. Formulate organizational ethics policies, procedures and standards.    
8. Explain the characteristics of ethical business culture across industry, national, international, and multicultural boundaries.    


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