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List three key financial or budget issues that require management to deliver your workforce projections and your Workforce 2020 vision

Workforce Plan

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Executive Summary

This section is the last section to be completed after Step 6.

This section should provide up to 5 key future workforce issues expected by the service.  This might include new roles, ways of working, new competencies, significant service/workforce redesign, significant skill mix changes or changes to headcount/whole time equivalent (WTE).  This should link to the 2020 Workforce Vision for NHS Grampian and consider the process of Health and Social Care Integration.


Workforce Projections are provided in Step 3 and Actions are in Step 5.

Step 1:  Defining the Plan

  • Introduction

This workforce plan for the (insert service area or staff group) describes the future workforce which we require in order to provide a caring, listening and improving quality service.  Please consider the consequences of Health and Social Care Integration for your service, sector or CHP in defining this plan.


  • Purpose of the plan

In this section you should list

  • The aims and objectives of the plan
  • Scope of the plan

In this section you should describe:

  • What geographical area is covered by the plan?
  • What types of staff are covered? (Use Scoping Egg Useful Reference Documents if unclear)
  • What client or patient groups does the plan cover?
  • Ownership of the plan


In this section you should describe:

  • The key stakeholders who will be both interested and influence your plan including Health and Social Care Integration. (Use Stakeholder Analysis Useful Reference Documents if unclear).

This may not change from year to year (cut and paste if available from previous year)

1.5       Update on Workforce Planning Action Plan 2013/14

Using last years Action Plan describe progress to date (cut and paste from last years step 5 and complete final column)

Workforce Planning and Development Action Plan – Progress from 2013/14

  Description of Action Lead Timescale for Implementation – Short, Medium or Longer term  Description of Potential impact on Workforce / Service Financial resources required Progress towards implementation





Step 2:  Service Change

  • Your Service Plan

Provide an outline/overview of the direction of travel for the service and how you will work towards achieving this service. Please report any additional service changes not reported in previous workforce plans and any relevant implications of Health and Social Care Integration.

In this section you should give the services contribution to the 2020 Vision, how you will achieve your 2020 Workforce and describe any changes to this 2020 vision.

National  Workforce 2020 Vision

NHS Grampian Workforce 2020


(If this exists already attach as an appendix, if not, describe the following– maximum of 1 page)

  1. What do we do currently?
  2. How do we do this?
  3. Given what we know now, what should the service do in the future?
  4. How will this be achieved?

(If your service does not have a clear service plan/direction it may be helpful to use the options appraisal document Useful Reference Documents to identify the service direction and agreed working model)



Step 3: Defining the Required Workforce

This step looks at what will be needed in terms of the future workforce and the following processes and templates must be fully completed.


3.1Workforce Data Cleansing Exercise

You should have received, from the Workforce Team, a list of all your staff for checking as per process below. If you have not received your data, for cleansing then please contact Anne Millar on 01224 (5)56586.

3.2 Workforce Projections

Projections Template and narrative document can be found here. (Data provided here will be reviewed with the service lead in April/May using the 31st March baseline for updating/revision prior to submission to the Scottish Government).  If you require assistant please contact Anne Millar, Workforce Information Analyst on 01224 (5)56586.

The projections template is in excel format and the narrative document is in word format.  You will be required to attach these documents along with your Workforce Plan when submitting to the Workforce Department.

The document will open as (read only).  You can still enter your data however you must save the document to your own system to allow for the changes to take effect.  When completing the template please note the following:


Colour Key
White Input cell
Yellow Automatic Calculation Cell
Green Automatic Total or Sub Total Calculation Cell
Grey No data required


3.3 Future Workforce Demand

In this section describe

What are the future shape, size and competencies of the Workforce?

What is the composition of the team needed to deliver the service identified?

What are the new roles or work processes which have been identified?

How are roles constructed in the future – what is different? (If you are unclear use the Skills Maximisation Tool Useful Reference Documents to look at improved efficiency and utilisation)


Step 4:  Workforce Capacity and Capability


4.1       Current Workforce


In order to complete this section you should have cleansed your workforce data and been provided with your workforce profile by the Workforce Information Analyst. If you have not received your data for cleansing, please contact Anne Millar on 01224 (5)56586.

Annual Workforce Information Cleansing Process.


This section should also include relevant financial data and reports which are available from the Finance BOXI.

4.1.1 Workforce profile


From studying and analysing your workforce profile, detail the evidence that supports any short, medium or long term workforce issues:


4.1.2 Workforce/Service Redesign


List three key areas in your workforce profile that need to change to deliver your workforce projections and your Workforce 2020 vision:






4.1.3 Finance


List three key financial or budget issues that require management to deliver your workforce projections and your Workforce 2020 vision:






4.2       Nursing and Midwifery – Staffing for Quality


For the Nursing and Midwifery workforce, there is a requirement for the completion of the National Workload/Workforce Tools.


Please provide detail in the Workforce Plan as to the process and impact of the Nursing and Midwifery Workload and Workforce Planning tools within your service, sector and/or CHP.




Step 5:  Workforce Action Plan


There are 3 key documents which are required in this section:


  1. The Learning and Education plan to describe the learning and education required to develop the workforce including priorities. Support is available from the Learning and Development Team to complete this document (nhsg.grampiandevelopment@nhs.net).  Statutory and Mandatory training should not be included in this section as it is already well defined and documented for each staff group.  Reporting on compliance for statutory and mandatory training and booking staff for relevant development can be progressed by using AT learning. Again support is available through nhsg.grampiandevelopment@nhs.net.


  1. The Workforce Risk Plan highlights the workforce risks and how these are being controlled, mitigated and managed. Example of risks include:
  1. Recruitment or retention difficulties including supply
  2. Development needs including specialist development
  3. Vulnerability of or lack of relevant development available
  4. Lack of available finance or short term funding
  5. Turnover of a particular workforce group or lack of turnover to allow opportunities for redesign
  6. Impact of change on staff morale and motivation
  7. Competition from other industries
  8. Issues relating to succession planning
  9. Ageing workforce and retiral plans


  1. The Workforce Planning Action Plan which describes the key actions required to implement the workforce plan. Any service should have up to six high level actions to implement their Workforce Plan and will include the specific work required to implement any change or redesign work they have agreed for their service.


By considering steps 2, 3 and 4 you will have identified gaps between supply and demand for your future workforce.



Double click on the table above to enter data.  This will open the document in an Excel template.  Click on the arrow next to Please Select to choose from one of the options on the drop down list.  Once all the information has been entered, click away from the table and this will bring you back to the main template.

Workforce Risk Plan

Risk Context Existing Control Measures Evaluation Action















Impact/Consequence definitions can be found here


(Further guidance is available from Useful Reference Documents on the risk assessment process)



Workforce Planning Action Plan 2014/15


  Description of Action Lead Timescale for Implementation – Short, Medium or Longer term  Description of Potential impact on Workforce / Service Financial resources required Progress towards implementation













Definition: Short – Up to 1 year Medium – 1 to 3 years Long – 3 to 5 years


Step 6:  Implementation

  • Monitoring

To simplify the monitoring process the Workforce Planning Action Plan should be used from the end of Step 5. This should be completed by regularly updating the final column to highlight any progress.

It is recommended that all three Workforce documents from Step 5 are reviewed on a quarterly basis by the management team with input from HR, Finance and staff side representation.

  • Review / Refresh

Workforce Plans are required to be refreshed and updated annually using this template. The cycle commences in October with data cleansing and profiling and is complete by 31st January for Sectors/Directorates and CHPs the latter should be submitted to both the Workforce team and the Chief Operating Officer/Deputy Chief Executive.


Appendix 1 – Current Workforce

Gender Split/Age profile

For all templates – double click on the table to enter data.  This will open the document in an Excel template.  Once the information has been entered, click away from the table and this will bring you back to the main template.

Entering the data in the tables below will automatically change the graph.  Please note that for the Age Profile data you are only required to enter data into the top table as the table containing the percentages will automatically update.  If you require assistant please contact Anne Millar, Information Analyst on 01224 (5)56586.


Consider the gender spilt implications for your workforce and detail below:


Age Profile


Consider the age profile for your workforce and detail succession and/or retirement and/or availability issues and detail below:


Headcount and Whole Time Equivalent





Consider the skill mix across your workforce and detail any implications below:
Whole Time Equivalent



Consider the available skill mix across your workforce and detail below any implications:
Full/Part-time Split



Consider the opportunities and challenges regarding full/part time spilt for your workforce and detail any implications for job families below:


Sickness Absence


Insert sickness absence figures for the past 12 months.  These are available from your HR Team



Consider trends and patterns in sickness absence and detail any implications below:





Consider opportunities and challenges around turnover and detail any implications below:




Inform us of any current vacancies (definition of a vacancy is an unfilled post that you are in effect actively trying to fill). The length of time vacant should be measured from the date the post was advertised.


Detail how the service will replace any vacancies listed above if the vacancy becomes long term?


In addition for difficult to fill vacancies please detail the number of times the vacancy was advertised before filling and the total number of applications received from initial advert to position being filled.


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