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Based on the insights gained through learning materials and class discussions,identify learning strengths.

The purpose of this assignment is to enable students to consolidate all the learning from the course into a coherent whole. The personal learning profile will enable students to identify strengths and weaknesses as they relate to learning. Students will be asked to incorporate personal insights into a profile of how they learn most effectively. The profile should contain four sections in 4 to 5 pages and incorporate insights from all the exercises, readings, and assignments in the course.

1. Assets and Strengths: Based on the insights gained through learning materials and class discussions, students will identify learning strengths. Assets and Strengths should include the following:
learning strengths
attitudes (openness to learn, motivational factors, self-confidence, etc.)
previous learning experiences
skills (writing, speaking, reading, analyzing, etc.)
support of others (family, friends, employers, etc.)

2. Challenges: Students will include greatest obstacles and barriers to successful completion of a college degree, including such things as:
meeting deadlines
managing time
managing stress
writing papers
keeping up with the reading required for classes
paying bills
making friends or getting along with people
interacting with people who are different from you
staying healthy spiritually
staying healthy physically
dealing with situations at home
dealing with personal crises

3. The Greatest Challenge/s: Students will include a description of a challenge that concerns the student the most. For instance, it might be a demanding job, family considerations or weak writing skills, among others.

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