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Discuss how evolutionary theories inform our understanding of personality and individual differences.

Length: approximately 2500-3000 words.
Marks: will count 100% of your final mark for this module.
Instructions: include your name, student number and contact details.
What I expect of you: to debate in a scholarly manner; to use grammar and vocabulary suitable to students at university and most importantly to cite sources in-text and include a reference list (APA style).
Topics: Please choose only ONE of the following two options:
OPTION 1 – Biological basis of personality (chapter 9)
Discuss how evolutionary theories inform our understanding of personality and individual differences.


OPTION 2 – Well-being and personality (chapter 21)
Do personality disorders exist?
You must search on databases which you can access either in the library or remotely from home. Please use APA when citing and referencing work. In other words, if you find articles online, they must still be cited and referenced as per APA guidelines.
All work submitted is filtered through Turnitin.

**The above is the question. This is for a module in my final year of psychology (BA) called Individual Differences. I am an Irish psychology student in UCC. Any questions please ask.

If doing personality essay speak about the DSM. Thank you very much

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